Schools Chancellor Joel Klein was said to be pleased with the recent public service

In a clarification, Maine denied that in saying “just end it” to Phelps, he was referring to the Yankees’ season.
Full disclosure: GBN News owner and Chief Executive Gary Babad is also competing for one of the DOE publicity positions. He pointed out that he is willing to do the job for $150,000 a year, far less than the millions remaining on Phelps’ and Maine’s contracts. However, he did indicate that he might be open to a platoon situation whereby he would alternate ad spots with Maine and Phelps.
Full text of the DOE ad: (Yes, this is an actual DOE announcement you can hear on radio)
“Just Take It”
Josh Phelps: I'm Josh Phelps from the New York Yankees.
John Maine: And I'm John Maine from the New York Mets.
Phelps: We are here with a message for all public school parents, teachers, and middle and high schoolers. Shall I give it to them, or do you want to?
Maine: Just say it.
Phelps: You've all received the City's first education opinion survey through the mail or inside your child's backpack. If you don't have one, call 311 or speak to your Parent Coordinator.
Maine: Just get it.
Phelps: Send the survey back by June 1. We know you're busy, but...
Maine: Just take it!
Phelps: That pretty much covers it. Should we keep the commercial going?
Maine: Just end it.
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