Immediately, of course, I realized that this must be an oversight. Clearly some underpaid assistant had forgotten to attach the relevant pages!
Because I am confident that the DOE is as interested in how I think THEY'RE doing as they are in how I think my son's school is doing, I took the liberty of crafting my own set of survey questions and mailing them in with the pages they had provided me. A copy of my addendum is attached here.
Sincerely, Jan Carr, public school parent
1. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the DOE?
with the radical restructuring of the schools. Strongly agree
pitting schools against each other by issuing report cards to schools. Strongly agree
i. The DOE is misallocating scarce resources by lining the pockets
of its friends in the testing industry. Strongly agree
by issuing merit pay. Very unsatisfied
by requiring better scores each year over three years time
with punitive threat of dismissal. Very unsatisfied
for schools in the hands of independent contractors. Very unsatisfied
about the specifics of the new support organizations
they will need to choose among under the new restructuring plan. Very unsatisfied
attracting and retaining smart, qualified teachers. Very unsatisfied
and expertise to improve the quality of our schools Very unsatisfied
This survey will be balled up and thrown in the trash and the results will be ignored completely!
Another flaw is that there is no box for no opinion, or doesn't apply. The kids' version says something like answer all the questions you can, but most professionally-written survey I've seen leave a neutral option.
It's odd filling out what they give you as a teacher, because if you write anything negative you adversely affect the rating of your own school, thus putting it and your job in peril in some small way.
Maybe they should just ask us all, "Would you like it if we closed your school?" and dispense with the other two pages of filler.
When I filled out my survey i saw there was an address to e-mail addititional comments, which I did. I didn't see any such address on the kids survey.
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