Under the Mayor’s proposed plan, Council members would each be rated by a letter grade. 85% of these grades will be based on the progress and performance of their districts, using measurable standards such as income levels, home prices, traffic safety statistics, crime rate, and test scores of the district’s schools. The remaining 15% of the grade will be based on a public opinion poll rating voters’ satisfaction with each member. Mr. Bloomberg is reportedly arranging with the Department of Education to use their ARIS computer system to crunch the numbers and come up with the grades.
Mr. Bloomberg’s plan calls for the letter grade to determine whether a Council member is allowed to run for additional terms. A member who receives an “A” will be allowed to serve indefinitely as long as the “A” is maintained. A “B” grade earns a member one additional term. “C” will leave the member subject to the current two term limit. A grade of “D” could result in recall of the member if the grade does not improve by the next marking period, while an “F” would subject the member to immediate recall and would put the district at risk of being eliminated. "We have to hold the Council members' feet to the fire," the Mayor said. "They have to be held accountable, and if they don't perform, there are consequences."
While the Mayor would not comment on a possible third term for himself, City Hall sources told GBN News that the Mayor’s plan will also include a provision for an end to Mayoral term limits. According to these sources, since the Mayor believes in accountability, his plan gives a Mayor scoring over 60% in public opinion polls an “A” grade and the right to serve additional terms.
In a related story, Schools Chancellor Joel Klein was asked today whether he would remain as Chancellor should the Mayor end up being given a third term. Mr. Klein had no comment, largely because he was so immersed in his Blackberry that he did not hear the question.
We need Term Limits. How else can we get rid of the dirty politicians who want to stay forever.
ReplyDeleteI am counting on Term Limits to finally get rid of Bill de Blasio, the Chair of the General Welfare Committee. He has been the Gatekeeper to assure that Black and Latino children get trapped in the CPS/Foster Industry to prepare them for the ever growing prison, homeless and mentally ill Industry.
There have been many Resolutions introduced to reign on the systematic abuses of ACS, the Foster Care agencies and Family Court, but to no avail because de Blasio never allowed those Resolutions to have Hearings, even with the fact that most of them had 22 original sponsors. He is a faithful Gatekeeper protecting the business interest of these Social Cancer Industries that prey on Black and Latino children and their families.
Not only de Blasio but most Council members all they do is to past more Laws and Regulations to take away the rights and freedoms of the people. Here in New York City, soon you will need a permit even to breathe.
Let's Make Sure that Term Limits stay in place. If you want to know more about the Foster Care Industry visit