Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Come to Albany, and speak out about budget cuts, class size and Mayoral control!

On Tuesday March 11, parent groups, including Class Size Matters, CPAC, and others are planning to travel to Albany to urge the state legislature to restore the Governor's proposed budget cuts to education, and insist on more accountability and real class size reduction instead of fake proposals that go nowhere. We also need to start talking to those responsible about whether mayoral control should be reinstated when it sunsets next year.

Please come with us - buses provided by the UFT are leaving from all boroughs. It's important that our legislators hear directly from us about what's happening (or not happening) in our schools and letting them know it's up to them to fix it! If you haven't gone to Albany before, it's time you did; if you have before, you should join us.

Just email leonie@att.net with your name, school, district and contact info and I'll let you know the nearest bus and reserve a seat for you. We also have position papers available. CPAC decided to boycott the DOE lobby day planned for this week because of the city's own unacceptable cuts to our schools.

See here: Protesting budget cuts, group votes against lobbying with the Education Dept.

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