Michael Meenan of NY1 has recently departed the station; Mike was the hardest working reporter I've ever seen, in terms of covering hearings, meetings, rallies, and doing his best to cover both sides of every story – including the deep dissatisfaction that many parents and other educational stakeholders have with the Bloomberg/Klein policies.
Today, the NY Sun is closing its doors, which will end Elizabeth Green's peerless education reporting for the paper.
She also produced a lot of great reporting on the city's vaunted test results, breaking the story that the state scores were likely inflated, according to experts, and that there had been an unusually high level of special ed accommodations in NYC on the national exams.
She led everyone on what will be one of the biggest political stories of this year, the fate of mayoral control of the schools. She was the first to report on the unusually high level of discontent among legislators with the Bloomberg administration's handling of education; and provided leaked testimony from some biggies to the Gotbaum commission studying the subject.
Many prominent commentators recognized her talent. Eduwonkette called her "the sharpest and most inquisitive education reporter in
Alexander Russo, a well-known blogger, included
With ability (and ambition) to spare, the NY Sun's relatively new education reporter Elizabeth Green regularly breaks news and scoops her competitors. All the while looking snazzy. Watch out, big-time education reporters.
Very, very sad.
Before the sun comes up, before I'm really awake, I often check for new articles by Elizabeth Green. There will be more, I am sure, but not from the Sun.
I look forward to her future articles--and I hope she finds a great new place.
The New York Times could use her. They don't really have anyone who reports on education.
Couldn't agree more on the Times, which has offered us the very worst education reporting in the city for the last few years. It would be great if they'd grab up a real reporter, like Elizabeth, who actually asks questions.
Don't forget about Andrew Wolf who wrote some very damming opinion pieces on the DOE. Both will be missed and I hope they are hired by Newsday or the NY Times.
Andrew Wolf's alarmist articles have been driving middle class children out of Riverdale's middle school for years. His cause is noble. His delivery, at least in Riverdale Review, is scandalous and counter-productive.
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