Announcing the first annual
Skinny Awards
When: Thursday May 7, at 6 PM
Where: Jerry's Café,
Please join us for a very special evening
Presenting awards to the three best education bloggers, who provide us with the real "skinny" on NYC schools:
Diane Ravitch, Lifetime Achievement Award
Jennifer Jennings (AKA Eduwonkette)
Gary Babad, Humorist Supreme
A rare opportunity to meet these three celebrated bloggers
and enjoy a three course dinner with wine.
A fundraiser sponsored by the NYC Public School Parent Blog and Class Size Matters.
Tickets: $100 --Patron, $75 -- Supporter
Be there or be square!
Just curious...what schools do you guys like?
ReplyDeleteI hear a lot of complaints, but could you name schools that have great teachers/administration that you'd suggest someone new to NY visit?
Top ten elementary schools?
email me off-line if you'd like some suggestions -- leonie@att.net
ReplyDeleteI was hoping this could be a public conversation.
ReplyDeleteIf I were asking about restaurants everyone would chime in...when it comes to school we get all weird and hushy.
So come on NYC Public School Parents...what are some good schools in this city?
ReplyDeleteYou want to have a public conversation and have us name great schools yet you will not even identify yourself? How much sense does that make? Many commenters here who hide behind anonymity are paid lobbyists for Learn NY, The Fund for Public Schools or are DOE press office staffers. Deputy Chancellor Cerf explained how the press office is organized into "truth squads" to fan out and comment on blogs.
I love my sons' school but do you really think I want to discuss it with those people? None of them and not the mayor, chancellor or their friends send their kids to public school.
Sorry, whatever your game is, we're not playing it.
I am a public school parent. I would genuinely like to remain anonymous because I strongly disagree with many of the sentiments posted here and I don't think my child should ever have to suffer from my public comments.
ReplyDeleteMy real question is this: What are some great elementary schools that serve poor students of color? I know all about 41 and 234 and 6 and 321 etc. But what GREAT schools serve the children that need them most? Can anyone here answer this simple question?
I don't follow. Who would make your child suffer because you asked about schools here?
ReplyDeleteSo where does this leave us, if I don't tell you who I am you guys won't share the names of outstanding elementary schools that serve students of color?
ReplyDeleteCould it be there are very few? Could you it be you guys have no idea because you are so knee deep in District 2 that you don't get up to Harlem or the Bronx much. I don't know?
But why not share if you do know?
ReplyDeleteI do know of many excellent schools in all parts of Manhattan. Moreover, CEC members are only too happy to refer parents to programs in their neighborhood. However, the fact that you are clearly intent on making hostile attacks from the cover of anonymity suggests you have some other motive.
Here is an idea. I suggest you go to Insideschools.org and click on the "advanced search". They review individual schools and identify "noteworthy schools". Insideschools is a service of Advocates for Children.
Anonymous -- if you believe there are no good schools in Harlem and/or the Bronx, what does that say about the achievements of the men who have had complete control over them for more than six years -- Bloomberg and Klein?