Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Scorched earth policies in the closings of schools

Check out my latest on the Huffington Post: Parents, students and civil rights advocates protest the mass closings of public schools:

Instead of strengthening our neighborhood schools, that have for
generations accepted and served a variety of students, and providing resources and reforms like smaller classes that have been proven to work, officials are pursuing a
scorched earth policy - as during the Vietnam war, when the military claimed they were forced to destroy
villages in order to save them.


Some day these misconceived policies will be recognized as the
educational equivalent of practices pursued by civic authorities the 1950's and 1960's to remake entire neighborhoods in the name of "urban renewal" and "slum clearance.

Also read the NAACP's oped in today's Daily News, in support of their lawsuit to block the school closings.


  1. Education should be totally privatized.

  2. This is all part of the Billionaire Boys Club's scheme to privatize the schools and break the UFT.
    Joel Klein sits as chairperson on the Board of Directors of the Eli Broad Foundation. Broad is a billionaire who wants to open charter schools all over, especially big cities. He believes schools should be run like a business.
    On the payroll are: President Obama, Arne Duncan, Bloomberg, Joel Klein, Randi Weingarten. Others on the board are Margaret Spellings(former US Sec. of Ed.), Michelle Rhee(in charge of D.C. schools).
    Don't believe me? Do the research.

  3. It's unfortunate that things have come down to this. Privatizing education won't really solve anything. That just leads to more dropouts, possibly more crime, and people who won't be qualified for jobs. The government has completely forgotten its purpose on how to properly provide education. Though as a whole, the U.S. is pretty much lacking in education these days.

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