April 21, 2010 (GBN News): Barely 24 hours after the NY State Board of Regents gave their approval to alternative Masters degree programs, Teach for America has already named noted Beverly Hillbilly Jethro Bodine as Dean of its new graduate education program. Mr. Bodine, said to be a favorite of TFA founder and President Wendy Kopp from the time she first saw him on TV Land reruns at the age of 10, will be taking up the position immediately.
At his introductory press conference, Mr. Bodine touted his own qualifications for the job, telling reporters, “I done graduated the sixth grade.” He also noted that he is not the first member of his family to be involved in a professional alternative certification program. “My granny done became a doctor back in the hills,” he said. “She didn’t need no fancy medical school. Why should teachers need some fancy education school?”
NY City Mayor Bloomberg welcomed the new program and expressed the hope that Mr. Bodine’s uncle, wealthy oilman Jed Clampett, would take an interest in NY City schools. “We love rich people,” said the Mayor. “And we love how they run our schools.”
While I understand why one would be critical of TFA degrees, I must say that the preparation that I got from NYC Teaching Fellows summer training sessions was much more difficult, thorough, and applicable to teaching than anything covered in any of my university classes.
Now this makes sense.
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