“This court is confronted with the odious specter of a city government taking every possible step to perpetuate a fundamental, decades-old injustice against its own citizens ...The city’s obstinacy, its unflagging defense of an overrun position reflects a misguided set of priorities and loyalties. New York City is not a fiefdom. It is a representative democracy.”
Though the Judge wrote this about the mayor's refusal to implement non-discriminatory policies in the hiring of firefighters, it could be said about Bloomberg's refusal to reduce class size, even though the law requires it, or about many of his other policies which so flagrantly deny parents a real voice and our children their right to a quality education.
Enough is enough! How can we bear three more years of this imperial rule?
Perhaps the former Manhattan D.A now master deciding the case of fire department hiring practices will instill a little democracy to the proceedings?