Well, after telling us in April and then again in June that he had “100% confidence in Ojeda” and that OFIA was “doing a great job” Walcott has woken up and smelled the coffee of a department in shambles. Community Education Council elections were a complete disaster and being challenged, CEC members walking out of OFIA’s training in protest, the politicization of Parent Coordinators, and CPAC and dozens of CEC members across the City calling for an independent parent run organization to replace OFIA and the DOE in the oversight, administration, training and elections of CEC’s, Councils and other elected parent organizations.
Despite Walcott’s charm offensive, relations between the DOE and parents are at an all time low. Surely OFIA has something to do with this, but it’s also because four out of five parents simply don’t support the Mayor’s policies of high stakes testing, class size increases, pushing charters while letting our district schools fight over scraps, accountability for everyone except the DOE, and balancing the budget on the back of our kids.
Good luck Jesse!
--Noah Gotbaum
Ms. Hall was very nice when I met her with Joel Klein in Queens -- BUT nothing ever came of the materials that she promised to send me.
But then again, that's the problem. Too many people being very nice, and nothing constructive happening.
Thanks a lot!
Resignation letter format
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