we give schools the guidance that when students do not take the 3-8 ELA
and math tests, there are 3 major implications:
· State
accountability: Under No Child Left Behind, New York State measures
each school’s rate of participation in state tests. If 95% of a school
or one or more of its subgroups of students (e.g. Hispanic students,
students with disabilities, Limited English Proficient students) do not
take the assessment, the school does not make Adequate Yearly Progress –
which has funding and intervention consequences for schools.
· Promotion:
Under New York City policy, students can be promoted to the next grade
if they receive a 2 or higher on the state test or if they complete a
portfolio which meets standards for promotion. When schools have
students without test scores, we advise them to complete a portfolio for
promotion decision purposes.
· Enrollment:
Grades 3 and 4 scores are used for G&T placement in grades 4 and 5;
grade 4 scores are used for placement for some middle school programs,
and grade 7 scores are used for the high school admissions process.
Students without test scores can still participate in these admissions
processes, but they may be at a disadvantage because their applications
won’t have as much information as will those of their peers.
Please consider signing the petition to Give New York State Parents the Right to Opt Their Children out of High Stakes Testing:
and visit Change the Stakes for more information
Are there any implications for schools if their students opt out of the field testing this June?
In district 3 we have no choice. Middle school placement decisions are based on standardized test scores. If a kid gets thrown by all a senseless question with multiple correct answers or no correct answer or just has a bad day, their future will be set in stone. The rule makers are mindless bureaucrats more concerned with doling out no-bid contracts to friends of the Mayor than educating our children. They need to be reminded that we still live in a democracy and that they are supposed to be serving the public!
I just read in the NY Times that NY has a NCLB waiver. Doesn't this conflict with the Shuransky's statement here?
NYS is one of the states that is NO LONGER mandated by the NCLB Act.
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