UPDATE: Here is Gary Rubinstein's new graph of school ranks. this year compared to last, according to the Progress reports. The "x" axis is 2011; the "y" axis is 2012.
The new DOE school grades for elementary and middle schools, euphemistically called “Progress reports,” came out with much fanfare, with 217 schools potentially put on the closing list because they either received failing grades or three “Cs” in a row, more than ever before. As parent leader Shino Tanikawa pointed out in the New York Post, DOE is using unreliable grades to implement terribly misguided policies. (If you'd like to see your school's grade anyway, you can find it here.)
year’s headlines ran like this:
report cards stabilize after years of unpredictability. This year again, reporters
cited claims of DOE officials, who “highlighted the
stability of this year’s reports.”
The new DOE school grades for elementary and middle schools, euphemistically called “Progress reports,” came out with much fanfare, with 217 schools potentially put on the closing list because they either received failing grades or three “Cs” in a row, more than ever before. As parent leader Shino Tanikawa pointed out in the New York Post, DOE is using unreliable grades to implement terribly misguided policies. (If you'd like to see your school's grade anyway, you can find it here.)

It wasn’t
true last year and it isn’t this year either.
is a figure from Gary Rubinstein’s blog from last year, showing no correlation
between the rank order of schools in 2010 and 2011. I suspect the Gary’s illustration
will be similar for this year, once he gets around to making it.
reported, 24 out of the 102 schools that received “D”s or “F”s this year had
received top grades of “A” or “B” the year before. Other high-performing schools, such as PS 234
in Tribeca that received an “A” last year, fell precipitously to a “C” with the
same principal, same staff and most of the same students. The school plunged from the 81st
to the 4th percentile, which would have meant a “D,” if not
for the DOE rule that no school that performs in the top third citywide can receive
a grade lower than C, as Michael Markowitz pointed out in a comment
on GothamSchools.
to the DOE formula, 80-85% of school’s grade depends on last year’s test scores
on the state exams. Most of that figure
is based on supposed “progress,” i.e. the change in test scores from the year
before. As I have pointed out many times,
including in this 2007 Daily News oped, “Why
parents and teachers should reject the new grades”, experts in
statistics have found that the change in test scores at the school level from
one year to the next is highly erratic and up to 32-80% random.
recognition of this fact, Jim Liebman, who developed the school grading system,
originally told skeptical parents that the system would eventually incorporate three
years of test scores, which would lessen the huge amount of volatility, a
promise that DOE has failed to abide by.
For proof of this promise, see Beth Fertig’s book, Why Can’t U teach me
2 read?:
“…[Liebman] then proceeded to explain
how the system would eventually include three years’ worth of data on every
school, so the risk of big fluctuations from one year to the next wouldn’t be
such a problem. (p.121)”
To make things worse,
the state
exams last year and the scoring guides were riddled with errors, as many
parents, teachers and students noted . Finally, test scores are not a good way to assess school quality, for myriad reasons, even if the tests were perfect and the formula based on multiple years worth of data, as I pointed out in this
NYT Room for Debate column.
LESSON: Anyone
who believes in the accuracy of these school grades is sadly misinformed, and
DOE’s attempts to dissuade parents from sending their kids to schools with low
grades or to close schools based upon such unreliable system is intellectually
and morally bankrupt.
another untenable move, the teacher “growth scores,” also based on the one year’s
change in test scores, but this time at the classroom level, have been released
to principals outside NYC. These growth
scores will be incorporated in the new teacher evaluation system to be imposed statewide. See this excellent
column by Carol Burris about how the heedless use of growth scores is
likely to damage the education of our kids.
are the detailed results
of the statewide survey by principals, including their comments, showing
that the vast majority believe that these scores are NOT an accurate reflection
of the effectiveness of individual teachers.
More than 70% of principals also said they were “doubtful” or strongly
opposed to any use of growth scores in teacher evaluations. Aside from the annual volatility in these
scores, there are many other problems with relying upon such flawed measures of
teacher quality:
growth scores, developed for the state by the consulting company AIR, attempted
to adjust only for the following demographic factors:
- Economic disadvantage (ED), but without differentiating free lunch or reduced lunch students – very different, with very different expected outcomes;
- Students with disabilities (SWDs), but not types or severity of disability;
- English language learners (ELLs).
And even though AIR did attempt to
control for the above factors, they still admitted that teachers who work at schools
with large numbers of students who were poor or had disabilities tended to have
lower growth scores.
made NO attempt to control for classroom characteristics such as class size, or
the racial/ethnic background of students, or any other variable that is known
to affect achievement. This is different from the NYC value-added teacher data
reports, released last year by DOE, widely derided as unfair and unreliable, which
at least attempted to control for many of these factors.
Even so,
Bruce Baker, professor at Rutgers, found that while the teacher data reports
claimed to control for class size, teachers at schools with larger class sizes
were significantly
more likely to be found ineffective than those who taught at schools with
small classes, and as “class
size increases by one student, the likelihood that a teacher in that school
gets back to back bad ratings goes up by nearly 8%.” The situation with these growth scores is yet worse, with no attempt made to control for class size at all. Is it fair to deny NYC teachers tenure and/or
risk losing their jobs because they are saddled with larger classes than
teachers in the rest of the state?
AIR also
found that teacher growth scores tended to be higher in “schools with students with higher
mean levels of ability in both ELA and in Mathematics.” This shows
that teachers who work in schools with large numbers of low-achieving students
are more likely to be found ineffective.
NYC principals have not yet been offered the opportunity to examine the growth
scores of their teachers, unlike principals in the rest of the state. As far as
I know, DOE has not explained why. With
far larger numbers of struggling students who are economically disadvantaged
and crammed into larger classes, it is quite likely that a higher proportion of
NYC teachers will be found ineffective than elsewhere in the state– and thus unfairly
penalized for teaching disadvantaged students in worse conditions.
Here is the link
where you can find the AIR technical manuals on growth scores.
It is impossible for a school to get an A one year and then with the same staff,children and curriculum go to a C the next year. The problem is the Bloomberg administration and his clueless followers use this incorrect information to rate schools for possible closure. Very Sad!
That red-dotted graph has more value as a piece of artwork than informational data. Until we put the feathers in the right education caps, all we're doing is bending to the power whims of leaders who are in it for the wrong reasons. Teachers, parents and students...show the corporate misfits where the real power and value exists...in your efforts, intellect, will and determination to do well for the right reasons. Learning is a marathon and requires stamina and fitness. Sharpen your minds and follow your hearts into the success YOU want for yourself, not based on some silly data that gets us nowhere. So they know what you're doing, you will need to speak up. Politely say, "No thanks. I can do this my way."
While I don't agree with the formula determining the overall grade and progress, I think looking at the performance grade (yes, much maligned state tests, but at least it's a universal measuring stick) and at the learning environment survey has been very informative.
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