However, GBN News has learned that Mr. Duncan, not to be
deterred, has now contacted Defense Secretary Ashton Carter to see if the
military conscription age could be lowered to 5, then have drill sergeants administer the tests. “But if you can’t get the
little buggers into the army,” the Education Secretary was said to have told
Mr. Carter, “we can always conscript their parents. When those white suburban moms find themselves doing 500 pushups in the hot sun, you can bet they’ll have
their kids filling out those bubbles before you can say, ‘Bill Gates’.”
President Obama, himself a Constitutional scholar, had no
public comment on the legality of the Secretary’s plans. But one White House
staffer, on condition of anonymity, told GBN News that the President was
overheard telling his wife, “Thank goodness they don’t do standardized testing
at Sasha and Malia’s school. But in case they ever do, it’s a good thing it’s a
Quaker school and we can always opt out by being conscientious objectors.”
Is this meant to be satire?
Interestingly, Mr. Duncan was just a tad too young to be drafted for Vietnam. But if he had been born ten years before, would he have been a chickenhawk? I bet.
According to Wikipedia, in 1996, he co-founded a charter school-- a form of elitist lip-service to equality.
Well perhaps by college and career ready they meant a military career.
But why does Arne want to force students to take the tests when Andy has already stated that they are meaningless for students? Or could it be, like Andy, he just wants to get rid of teachers? http://www.capitalnewyork.com/article/albany/2015/04/8566718/cuomo-opt-out-tests-dont-count-against-students
Michele Hamilton
The brilliant John Oliver adds to the test & punish fiasco & the Opt-out movement on Last Week Tonight.
Kudos to Leonie for breaking the Pearson Pinapple story- he had a bit on that in this piece.
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