Zuckerberg's open letter to his daughter |
quoted in Time magazine and Politico about what the Zuckerberg billions portends
in terms ofstudent privacy and real personalized learning. And check out this wonderful spoof of edtech balderdash from the Institute
for Disruptive Innovation and Mark
Vander Venal of the Parsimony Institute.
Tuesday was a startling day for parents concerned about
children’s data privacy and the outsourcing of instruction to education
technology companies. First was the news that the V-tech breach had exposed the
personal data of more than 6.3
million children – rather than the 200,000 that was first described.
Stolen data for the parents includes mailing and email addresses, security questions used for password resets, IP addresses, passwords and download histories…Chat logs between parents and children were also inappropriately accessed, as well as photos of children.
Then the Electronic Frontier Federation filed
a FTC complaint against Google for violating the student privacy pledge the company
signed the year before. The complaint
alleges that Google is collecting and data-mining the information of students
while logged into their Google Apps for Education accounts at school:
While Google does not
use student data for targeted advertising within a subset of Google sites, EFF
found that Google’s “Sync” feature for the Chrome browser is enabled by default on Chromebooks
sold to schools. This allows Google to track, store on its servers, and data
mine for non-advertising purposes, records of every Internet site students
visit, every search term they use, the results they click on, videos they look
for and watch on YouTube, and their saved passwords.
Google, it is alleged, is using children’s browsing history to
improve their products, and not for any educational purposes, as the privacy
pledge specifies. A day later EFF
Google has promised
not to build profiles on students or serve them ads only within Google Apps for Education services. When a student
goes to a different Google
service, however, and they’re still
logged in under their educational account, Google associates their
activity on that service with their educational account, and then serves them
ads on at least some of those non-GAFE services based on that activity.
Finally, came the most horrifying news of all: Mark
Zuckerberg announced that with the birth of his daughter Max, he and his wife Priscilla
Chan would invest 99 percent of their stock in Facebook – worth potentially as
much as a $45 billion -- in a new LLC to be spent on “personalized learning,
curing disease, connecting people and building strong communities.”
Zuckerberg made it clear that he chose not to put his money into
something as old-fashioned as a foundation, because that would be too
restrictive. As he wrote in his letter:
“We must participate in
policy and advocacy to shape debates. Many institutions are unwilling to do this, but progress must be
supported by movements to be sustainable.” See Bloomberg
News for more on the differences between the allowable activities of a
foundation and an LLC – including how LLCs are less constrained from engaging
in advocacy and explicitly partisan and political activities.
Has the Gates Foundation really been prevented from exerting a huge influence over education policy over the last eight years? If
that’s the case, I hate to think what Zuckerberg has in mind. The mainstream media including the NY
Times wrongly called Zuckerberg’s new venture a “charity”; but after
witnessing the destruction wreaked on public education by fellow billionaires
Bloomberg and Gates, some might call it vulture philanthropy instead.
In the open
letter on (where else) Facebook, Zuckerberg and his wife explained that
their version of “personalized learning” is really instruction through computers
and pre-packaged software:
“We’re starting to
build this technology now, and the results are already promising. Not only do
students perform better on tests, but they gain the skills and confidence to
learn anything they want. And this journey is just beginning. The technology
and teaching will rapidly improve every year you’re in school.”
A student at the Alt School |
Every pupil gets their own tablet or Chromebook; wall-mounted video cameras called “superpowers” record children’s learning moments and kiddie confessionals for teachers to review...kids sign in via an app on an iPad at the entry. It’s connected to an online platform called My.AltSchool that tracks everything from a child’s Personalized Learning Plan to allergies.
The schedule changes daily, but midmorning on a recent Wednesday, some 6- to 8-year-olds studied Rembrandt’s “The Night Watch” on their Chromebooks in one corner, while others engaged in writing lessons. … AltSchool, which costs $27,500 a year, operates on the traditional school calendar, but parents are encouraged to take family vacations when it’s convenient for them — perfect for a jaunt to Kyota[sic], Japan, in time for cherry-blossom season or a family trip to Austin for South by Southwest.
Yet schools that
operate through online or virtual learning have a very controversial track
record. The Alt School model most closely resembles the
technology-focused Kunskapsskolan
charter school, later renamed Innovate
Manhattan, that was established with much fanfare in NYC in the fall
2011,by a Swedish for-profit chain.
Rupert Murdoch, Klein’s future boss, was so enthralled by this model of
education that he featured it in a speech to
the G8 in May 2011, while rhapsodizing on its profit potential:
“In Sweden, I visited
an innovative school known as the "IKEA school." Learning is
supported by a "knowledge portal" that contains the entire syllabus.
In this school, learning fits the individual student's pace and interests - and
the teachers give students plenty of individual attention. This school is
possible because of a system that encourages competition by letting parents use
public money to choose what schools they think work best for their children.
That includes schools that are privately-run and for-profit.”
There was so much positive buzz about this school that Joel
Klein, then Chancellor of the NYC public school system, offered it space in the
DOE headquarters so his staff could “learn”
from it. By September of 2012 Innovate Manhattan had relocated to Delancey
Street on the Lower East Side. By March 2015, a decision had been made to close
the school, because of mediocre results, financial problems and difficulty
recruiting students.
Indeed, many tech-focused schools initially promoted as
having found the “secret sauce” to revolutionize education, have been followed
by disappointment. First, the Rocketship charter schools were immensely
praised, before the
Dreambox software and learning lab model
were exposed as ineffective. Amplify
tablets were publicized aggressively by Joel Klein and Rupert Murdoch until
they turned out to be a failure; in September, Murdoch sold
the company to a group of private investors, at
a huge loss.
Summit charters were highly
regarded by Bill Gates and portrayed as transformational; only now these
schools are introducing
a whole new suite of software products designed with the help of Facebook
engineers, because as it turns out, the previous “blended” technology did not
work so well. Not to mention the iPAD
disaster in Los Angeles, that led to Superintendent
John Deasy’s downfall last year.
![]() |
A Rocketship charter "learning lab" |
More and more teachers are saying, as
this one has, “I gave my students iPads — then wished I could take them
back.” As this Virginia educator points out,
“…teachers of young
children know that the chatter in a typical elementary classroom is what makes
it a good place to learn. …. They need time to learn communication skills — how
to hold your own and how to get along with others. They need to talk and listen
and talk some more at school, both with peers and with adults who can model
conversation skills. The iPads subtly undermined that important work. My lively
little kids stopped talking and adopted the bent-neck, plugged-in posture of
tap, tap, swipe.”
And the need to converse and discuss is not true merely of
young students. Even the US Department of Education, a vigorous
supporter of online learning, had to conclude in its meta-analysis
that that “Few rigorous research
studies of the effectiveness of online learning for K-12 12 students have been
published.” A study
released in September by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development concluded that “Students who
use computers very frequently at school do a lot worse in most learning
outcomes, even after accounting for social background and student demographics.”
The truth is there are NO good studies that show that online
or blended instruction helps kids learn, and the whole notion of “personalized”
learning is a misnomer, as what it usually signifies is depersonalized
machine-based learning. All software can
do is ask series of multiple choice questions and then wait for the right or
the wrong answer. It cannot read an
essay or give feedback on how to improve an argument, or help extricate a child
from a knotty math problem. It cannot encourage
students to confront all the various angles in a controversy, as happens through
debate and discussion with teachers and classmates. In fact, learning through computers reduces
contextualization and conceptualization to stale pre-determined ideas, the
opposite of the creative and critical thinking that we are supposed to be
aiming for in the 21st century.
Moreover Zuckerberg makes additional unsupported claims
relating online learning to enhanced equity: “Of course it will take more than technology to give
everyone a fair start in life, but personalized learning can be one scalable
way to give all children a better education and more equal opportunity,” he
Note the echoing flattery
expressed on the Facebook page of Summit
charter schools: “Max has been born into a moment of opportunity. In large
part, because of Mark and Priscilla's vision and generosity, she and children
around the world will have personalized learning experiences in re-imagined
schools. Max's generation will create a more just and equitable society. “
Contrary to these statements, a growing
of studies
suggest that a shift to more online learning will likely widen
rather narrow the achievement gap – and those children without strong support
or direction at home or fairly advanced skills will fall further behind. As the class size research
shows, while all kids benefit from lots of feedback from their teachers,
disadvantaged students most need this support and interaction to thrive.
So far, Zuckerberg appears to have learned little from his disastrous
$100 million involvement in Newark schools.
Though he recently wrote he realizes that “It's very important to
understand the desires of a community, to listen and learn from families,
teachers, elected officials and other experts," he added, "We now better understand why it can take
years to build the support to durably cement the changes needed to provide
every student with a high quality education."
Listen and learn from the community, or build support so that
community members fall in line behind his vision of what is best for children? His
conclusion suggests the latter: “In our
ongoing focus on personalized learning, our goal is to work with everyone --
district schools, charters, private schools, teachers, parents, unions and
other philanthropists. Everyone benefits from personalized learning and we'll serve
students best if everyone is behind the effort.”
This doesn’t sound like a man who has humbly learned from
his mistakes. In his letter on Tuesday, he comments, reassuringly: “it will
take engaging with communities,” but it is not clear which community he means.
Is he referring to public school parents, who
are understandably apprehensive about having their children spend more time in
front of screens, and averse to ceding control
of their most personal information to
data-mining companies? Or does he mean the community of other venture
philanthropists and technology mavens with whom he usually socializes -- and
who see the public education market as a huge opportunity, and public school
parents as a mere annoyance, a potential interference to their grandiose
“Change in education takes time and requires a long term focus. We are committed to working to improve public education for many years to come, and to improving our approach as we go. Priscilla and I have been fortunate to have great educations and supportive families and communities. We want to help make a real difference for all children, and we'll keep sharing more about what's ahead.”
Personalized Learning at an Exeter Harkness table |
Zuckerberg attended high school at Phillips Exeter Academy,
an elite boarding school in New Hampshire, where class sizes are eight to
twelve students per class to ensure they can all fit around a special oval table
called the “Harkness table.” Harkness was a philanthropist who gave generously
to Exeter in the 1930’s to establish small classes, so that that each
individual student had ample opportunity to participate in dialogue, discussion
and debate.
As the school still
puts it, “The Harkness table places
students at the center of the learning process and encourages them to learn
from one another.”
This is opposite to the computerized instruction that
Zuckerberg now proselytizes for and intends to disseminate. Too bad he didn’t take the right lessons from
his Exeter education about what enlarging human potential through philanthropy
and “personalized” learning really means.
Interesting that Zuckerberg's "personalized" computer learning is for public education and not private schools. Also, interesting that his alma mater, Phillips Exeter Academy consists of small class sizes, discussion and debate geared towards success in life, while his 1984-surveillance, computer-cubicle public education set children up for...?
ReplyDeleteGee, I wonder what school his daughter Max will attend?
Thanks for this brilliant and chilling report.