By email to:
September 13, 2017
To the SUNY Charter committee and Board:
I urge you to reject the proposed authorization
of the Zeta charter school, for many of the reasons cited by the Tory Frye of
the D6 Community Education Council,[1]
but also because Emily Kim, the proposed founder, was the chief attorney for
the Success Academy chain while the network proceeded to repeatedly violate
state and federal laws and deprive students of their civil rights.
More specifically:
- · In October 2015, Success Academy retaliated against a parent of a special needs child who had spoken on a PBS show about his repeated illegal suspensions by Success, by posting her child’s disciplinary file online and sending the link to reporters nationwide. This action was a flagrant violation of his federal privacy rights according to FERPA, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. [2]
- · Only after the parent, Fatima Geidi, filed a complaint with the US Department of Education, and several months ensued did Success Academy finally take down his file.[3]
- · On January 20, 2016, parents of 13 current and former students of Success Academy filed a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights of the US Department of Education, accusing the network of discriminating against students with disabilities by denying them their mandated services, repeatedly suspending them without providing alternative instruction, and in some cases pushing them out. This complaint was joined NYC Public Advocate Letitia James; Councilman Daniel Dromm, the chair of the NYC Council Education Committee; Legal Services NYC; the Legal Aid Society; MFY Legal Services; the Partnership for Children’s Rights; and the New York Legal Assistance Group.[4]
- · Subsequently, the federal Office of Civil Rights launched an investigation into Success Academy’s discriminatory practices, the results of which have not yet been released.[5]
- · SUNY itself was reported to have launched its own investigation into Success Academy’s push-out policies, and more specifically the infamous “Got to Go” list. [6]
- · In April 2016, parents at Success Academy Fort Greene launched a new federal lawsuit, alleging "illegal, discriminatory" campaign against children with special needs , including sending their children to emergency rooms without cause, illegally suspending them, and threatening to call the Administration for Children's Services if they refused to pick their child up early from school These parents are represented by Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP, New York Lawyers for the Public Interest and Advocates for Justice.[7]
- · In addition, the application for this new charter school should be rejected since Ms. Kim is planning to co-locate her school in a district public school building, which would prevent the already-overcrowded schools in the district from having sufficient space to reduce class size, as previously agreed upon by the city in its original Contracts for Excellence plan. [8]
- · In July 2017, a legal complaint was filed against DOE with the NY State Education Department for failing to comply with the its state-approved Contracts for Excellence class size reduction plan. [9] This complaint was prepared by the Education Law Center on behalf of Class Size Matters, the Public Advocate, the Alliance for Quality Education and nine NYC public school parents.[10]
Until the results of the investigations by the federal
Office of Civil Rights and SUNY are released and these complaints and lawsuits
are decided, it would be premature and ill-considered to allow Ms. Kim to open
her own charter school, given her history of facilitating and defending
repeated violations of children’s civil rights.
Below are additional personal observations by Fatima Geidi
of Ms. Kim’s behavior, while her child attended Upper West Success Academy.
Yours sincerely,
Leonie Haimson, Executive Director
the SUNY board:
Kim worked for Success Academy from August 2011 to June 2017 as first the
General Counsel, then Chief Policy & Legal Officer, and finally the
Executive VP for Legal Affairs. From August
2011 - February 2014 my son attended Upper West Success Academy.
Kim had a personal hand in making sure my son's IEP was not met. This happened
continuously from first to third grade. She conducted herself unprofessionally
in meetings, emails, and during phone conversations. On more than one occasion
I had to not only seek but retain legal counsel to try to protect his civil
rights and to obtain his mandated services as required by his IEP.
I was banned from entering the school, Emily personally enforced the ban with
no evidence of any misdeed on my part, and instead offered to find a new school
for my child. The ban wasn't lifted until I appeared at a press conference with
the Public Advocate Letitia James, in which Ms. James asked SUNY to investigate
the abuse of special needs children.
Kim was supposed to be involved in mediation and conflict resolution when she
reached out to me; however, her focus was not mediation but pushing my child
helped cover the tracks of the staff when they didn't provide proper
documentation for my son's numerous illegal suspensions. Instead of making sure Success Academy
followed the law, she helped them break it.
2015 my son's records were released to the public after a PBS interview. She
did nothing to remove his records from the Success website knowing that it was
a direct violation of FERPA. Instead, my
son's record stayed on the website until we filed a FERPA complaint and I
joined a complaint to the federal Office of Civil Rights in 2016.
that same course of time Emily was attending press conferences and making
public statements on behalf of SA.
public and private actions have shown time and time again that she does not
care for the well-being of children or their education. Emily Kim does not
deserve to run a school, where vulnerable children will be subjected to her
Yours, Fatima Geidi
[4] and
The legal complaint is posted here:
See the class size and overcrowding data for District 6 here:
The behavior continues unchecked. My grandchild attends one of her charter schools and at the tender age of six has been suspended four times in the last two months. Nothing is being done to stop this abuse. Our society has completely failed our children and is jeopardizing their future. This is so frustrating to stand by and watch while parents hands are tied....