Monday, February 2, 2009

First Blood Drawn in Mayoral Race

February 2, 2009 (GBN News): Staten Island Chuck, the meteorological prognosticator turned political gadfly, drew first blood today in what is expected to be a hard fought battle to unseat incumbent Michael Bloomberg in November’s mayoral election. While not yet the equal in name recognition of his cousin Punxsutawney Phil, Chuck, who also goes by the name Charles G. Hogg, achieved a public relations coup when he bit Mr. Bloomberg’s finger during the annual Groundhog Day ritual in Staten Island.

Conventional political wisdom has been that Mr. Bloomberg is so popular that other politicians are afraid to mount a serious challenge to the Mayor. But in an extraordinary display of political courage, Chuck showed that he fears neither his own shadow nor the Mayor.

Many political analysts feel that today’s confrontation will substantially boost Chuck’s poll numbers. However, others contend voters may feel that giving a rodent control of the city’s school system might be overkill after seven years of Joel Klein as Schools Chancellor.

As a precautionary measure, Chuck was brought to a local veterinary clinic for shots, out of fear that the Mayor may have been rabid when Chuck bit him.

1 comment:

  1. This is brilliant:
    As a precautionary measure, Chuck was brought to a local veterinary clinic for shots, out of fear that the Mayor may have been rabid when Chuck bit him.
