Tuesday, January 18, 2011

CNN debate on class size on MLK's birthday

My debate with Matthew Chingos on CNN yesterday.

For Prof. Jeremy Finn's critique of Chingos' study of Florida's class size reduction program, Asking the Wrong Questions About the Impact of Class-Size Reduction, from the National Education Policy Center.


  1. Bravo, Leonie! Thank-you from a former public school teacher in TN.

  2. It's kinda funny how inexperienced teachers are to blame for the offset of class size gains in Florida but in NYC, the deformers are pushing for young enthusiastic teachers to push out the lazy tenured teachers

  3. The younger teachers are just not as effective, which is why I have to hire private tutors for my son who is in a high school where most senior teachers have retired to be replaced by incompetent new teachers with incompetent new assistant principals. Florida, by the way, has a lot of on line learning without teachers in the classroom.

  4. Leonie you were AMAZING!!! So well done.

  5. Well Done Leonie. What your opponent essentially was saying is that experienced teachers are important. As far as the expense argument goes, lets stop spending money on the notion that computers will be able to teach students. Good point!

  6. Brilliantly work Leonie! It's about time the main stream media began reporting the truth about what is going on in our schools. We've been fed an incredible dose of educationally ignorant billionaire propaganda. Keep it up CNN, you just might increase your ratings.
