Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Upper West side community blasts charter co-location

But is anyone listening?

Apparently, the DOE plans to spend $500,000 at this time of fiscal distress to reconfigure Brandeis HS to make space for the elementary charter school, Upper West Success, including building a new, separate cafeteria.

Unmentioned by the NY1 reporter below is that Zoe Stein, the one parent speaking up for the charter school placement in the video, who says her local public schools "isn't good enough" for her child, is the wife of Gideon Stein, a board member of the Harlem Success Network. Stein is also a partner in Argyle Holdings LLC, which, according to Wikipedia, is a real estate development company of luxury residential properties in Northern Manhattan.

Click here, to add your signature to protest the co-location, which the local Community Board, Community Education Council and all the local elected officials oppose.

And come to the protest rally tomorrow, Thurs. Jan. 27 at City Hall Park, against the mass school closings, charter co-locations and privatization, more info here.


  1. Last night District 3 parents, students, teachers, community leaders and elected officials unanimously made it clear that Eva Moskowitz and her Success Academy Charter Chain is not welcomed in District 3 and not needed.

    As parents, teachers and students from other district 3 schools already co-located with Harlem
    Success stated, Eva comes in and takes over the entire building by bullying, disrespecting and ill-treating the parents and students of the district schools.

    Furthermore, the majority of the people who spoke in support of her greedy, unsafe, evil idea to place 5 and 6 year olds in a building with high schoolers were all her teachers. With Eva's high teacher turnover, how many of them will be there next year?

    The community has spoken loud and clear. We do not want Upper West Success Academy because we do not need it. We want our public schools to be supported and allowed to grow, not be pushed out and evicted by a greedy, narcisstic exploiter like Eva.

  2. I stayed until the end and there had to have been 5 or 6 parents supporting the charter; Stein was not "the one"

  3. Eva a bully? Maybe. Bullies come in all shapes and sizes. But the only person acting a bully last night was Noah Gotbaum. He allowed a maniacal screaming man, stage right, to continually interrupt the meeting, and he let anyone anti-charter run over their 2 minutes of talking time. Whether you are pro-charter or not, you do need to remember that bullies come in all shapes and sizes. You should question information you are fed and read documents for yourselves. Noah Gotbaum seems to enjoy public speaking, the long pause, and misquoting information to parents, councils and Principals. Eva Moskowitz wears her agenda on her sleeve – open new schools. But it’s not clear what Noah Gotbaum is after, and that’s not helping anyone's kids.
