Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Outrageous class sizes !

Check out Lindsey Christ's great reporting on 2nd grade classes at 36 children at PS 236 in Brooklyn -- which is more than the room can hold and violates the building code.  The kids say they have to go into the hallway to work because it is quieter!  In this case, pictures are really worth 1000 words.
Today I heard of a 3rd grade class at 36 in D6 in Manhattan. 

Please send me your info at www.bit.ly/class-size-survey  today!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Worse yet is DOE's solution to shift kids to new schools after a month of school. The disruptions to kids and teachers in receiving classrooms takes least a month for everyone to adjust.
    DOE treats schools like warehouses and kids and teachers are the inventory.

  3. The DOE finds solutions that end up causing MORE HARM to children, rather than finding positive outcomes. This is completely unnecessary to make a 7 year old be bussed to another school so early in the year!

    Just when I thought I could not be anymore disgusted and shocked..I am again surprised!

  4. Leonie - bless you but you should stick to radio.

  5. Dear Anonymous,
    You should stick to silence.

  6. Bloomberg detractors are invariably close relatives of schoolteachers, except the fringe who still think he's Uncle Martian.
