Friday, November 11, 2011

Dennis Walcott infuriates parents once again, this time in District 6

On Thursday November 10, the Community Education Council in Northern Manhattan hosted a Town Hall meeting with Chancellor Dennis Walcott.  The CEC prepared an excellent power point containing key data about the district, along with specific questions for the Chancellor.  It was a contentious meeting, according to all reports; see the Gotham Schools storyUnfortunately, despite lots of PR spin about "partnering with parents," there is no evidence that Walcott is willing to listen to parents and shift away from the wrong-headed and damaging policies of his predecessor, Joel Klein, including repeated budget cuts, class size increases, worsening overcrowding, preferential treatment of charter schools with continued co-locations , and incessant testing. Here is the account of the meeting from Victoria Frye, CEC 6 member and public school parent: 

We described the issues facing our schools: too little resources to provide a quality education; overcrowded schools; disgraceful school conditions; budget cuts; co-locations; THE LIST GOES ON!

With each, Dennis Walcott got up and...spouted the party line: 

"The reality is that in this economy there will be mid-year budget cuts."

"With shrinking budgets, leaders must be creative."

"By creating school choice we are allowing the market place to drive the issues."

"I respect Joel Klein tremendously. I think the world of Joel Klein."

"There are no plans in our capital budget for a new facility for Mott Hall" [
the only program for gifted D6 IS students and a national model].

And then something along the lines of: "your D6 schools are so bad that we will not replicate or grow them; we will simply bring in [charters] that really know how to educate your D6 children."

What to say?


-- Victoria (Tory) Frye, CEC 6 member.

1 comment:

  1. No one should be surprised to realize that Dennis Walcott is nothing more than a Bloomberg clone.He constantly follows the Bloomberg line which cares little about the education of public school children and whose main objective is to close public schools to provide more space for his friends profit making charters. His record as our educational mayor is a disaster.
