Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Come to the NPE Conference in Raleigh NC April 16-17; sign up now to get the Early Bird rate !

If you’ve attended one before, you know how great the NPE conferences are for seeing old friends, meeting new ones, and girding up for the battle to save public education! 

If you’ve never been to one, you must come!  More info on how to sign up with the early Bird special rates below. 
Sign up now for the NPE Annual conference in Raleigh NC April 16-17 to get the Early Bird rate.

On Friday night, April 15, 2016, education advocates from around the country will begin gathering in Raleigh, North Carolina for NPE’s 3rd Annual National Conference which will run from Saturday morning, April 16th until Sunday afternoon, April 17.
Reverend Barber
Aligned with the theme, And Justice for All: Strengthening Public Education for Each Child, keynote speakers and workshop presenters will tackle the challenges facing our students and schools as we all work towards achieving a more just system of public education in America.

As previously announced, Saturday morning, April 16th will begin with an inspirational welcome from our President, Diane Ravitch and a keynote address by Rev. William Barber, the President of the North Carolina NAACP and co-founder of the Moral Mondays Movement.

We promise to talk about what you care about—equitable funding, resisting corporate reform, Opt Out, "personalized learning" and class size, student privacy, high-stakes testing, teacher evaluations, school closures and much more. Make sure you reserve your spot now at reduced rates for both your registration and hotel.

We've also listened to your feedback from last year and made a few changes. This year's registration fee will include your meals - breakfast and lunch on Saturday, and brunch on Sunday. No tickets, no waiting, it's all included in one ticket!

We're continually looking for ways to help activists network with each other. We've built in networking times and are using the Bizzabo platform to host an online community. Once you buy your ticket and register, you'll be added to the community. Of course, you can opt out, but this time we hope you don't! This will be a great way to see who's attending the conference, put a face to that name you've been reading about for years, and stay in touch with other activists before, during, and after the conference.

See you in Raleigh!  REGISTER HERE


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks dear for the invitation for NPE Conference in Raleigh NC. This conference seems very beneficial. I am a teacher at a Phoenix kindergarten and would like to take my students to the event. Hopefully, they will like it too.
