Thursday, December 17, 2020

The five myths of Mayoral control: my testimony before [postponed] Assembly Education hearings

The Assembly Education hearings on Mayoral control that were supposed to be held today were postponed last night because of snow. Given that the hearings were to be held remotely this is hard to understand. Perhaps the Assemblymembers wanted to enjoy a snow day, which unfortunately, the Mayor is not allowing NYC kids to experience. 

Here and below is the testimony I wanted to give and will hopefully be able to give some day in the future.

1 comment:

  1. I was looking forward to this hearing. Your research and statistics are extensive and compelling. However, I do fear that Quinnipiac might not have asked the right questions. While I do not think the Mayor should retain complete control over the DOE I do not think it should be combined solely with other elected officials. Furthermore, the corruption of local school boards was more in the form of jobs and favors. I do believe in democracy and like Mr. Treyger"s idea of school governance it should be modeled after the Constitution. I agree there has been much waste, fraud, and incompetence. To remedy that there should be three branches of government with checks and balances to maintain accountability for our schools. I would propose that the school board be composed of 5 elected Parents, 5 elected Teachers and the third would consist of some combination of city council members and other Administrators. This model should be replecated on all levels from schools to district,boroughs, than city.
