Check out Bloomberg yesterday at his City Hall press conference, signaling a change in his position on term limits, which previously he was vociferous in support:
"Term limits are term limits. I am in favor of them. What's an appropriate level? Whether it's one term, two terms, three terms? I think you can debate that."
Why not five or six? Especially if your name is Bloomberg and you’re one of the richest men in the world – clearly your earlier statements, public opinion and the law shouldn’t matter.
1 comment:
Term limits should only be discussed for future mayors and councilman. If they want to pass a law giving new term limits, it should not be allowed to apply to Mayor Bloomberg or the current council members. That's like playing monopoly and in the middle of the game you say, no more $200 for passing go. When the next game is played, you change the game in the beginning. So this new term limits argument should only be applied to future mayors and councilman. Sorry, Mr. Bloomberg, you can't change the game midstream and play fair. Oops! Maybe you don't have to play fair...you're rich! What a shocker!
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