“When they showed up,” Deputy Mayor Dennis Walcott told GBN News, “we thought at first that they might be charter school students coming to thank the Mayor for his support. But then it turned out that they were public school students, not authorized to be on the premises. In this day and age of terrorism, we felt that it was prudent to get the Mayor away from there as soon as possible.”
A spokesperson for Mr. Bloomberg later minimized the incident. “The Mayor was never in danger, and security initially wasn’t going to take such a drastic step. But when he heard they were public school students, his first reaction was, ‘Ugh, get me out of here.’ So they felt it was best to comply with his wishes.”
Plutocrats like Bloomberg can't be bothered by public school rabble.
He will, however, entertain obsequious students of corporate charters who have been trained in their segregated, hedge fund managed, 'banking system pedagogy*' oriented 'schools' to thank their 'betters' for giving them a chance to become better wage slaves when they mature.
* Freire is more important than ever in this age of neoliberalism.
That is priceless. Thanks for posting that. For the whole story, see http://chelseanow.com/articles/2010/01/28/news/doc4b61d22d58974127014943.txt
Clinton families are trying hard to make DOE see that their grand scheme to move students around instead of building new schools is a folly. If only the electeds would come out and say "The Emperor has no clothes!" Come out and support us! -Susan K. from the Clinton School for Writers & Artist Relocation Committee
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