Despite this fact, class sizes increased this year at an unprecedented rate, and are expected to increase next year as well.
They are larger now in nearly every grade than before the Campaign for Fiscal Equity case was settled, in which the state’s highest court said the class sizes in our public schools were too large to provide children with their constitutional right to an adequate education.
Perhaps that’s why parent satisfaction with the chancellor was more than thirty points lower than their satisfaction with teachers.
Clearly the chancellor is not listening to what parents want, and they realize that.
And imagine, it only cost the city 3 million bucks to find out what everyone already knew. Kudos to Mayor Mike and thank heavens we have a third term to benefit from his incredible insights.
Clearly parents don't understand what's good for them and their children. Parents and teachers are held in contempt by the chancellor and the mayor.
The Court of Appeals said Bloomberg and Klein have to use the money they got from the CFE lawsuit to reduce class sizes. So why are the Gov. and other jokers who hand out the money in Albany and the owners of the Times, Daily News, Post, and the local TV stations letting them ignore the Court's decision? Why isn't the Attorney-General investigating them for refusing to to reduce class sizes? How is the money earmarked for class size reduction actually being spent? This is America. We had a revolution to make sure that everyone, including ridiculously rich politicians, would have to follow the same rules as us lowly common folk. There has to be some sort of leverage that Albany can use (removal or some sort of prosecution for violating the constitutional obligation to provide each child in this City a sound basic education by reducing class sizes) to force these guys to obey the laws they were hired to obey and enforce. Is everybody afraid of them? Maybe the next election should be canceled and we should acknowledge reality by getting down on our knees and begging Bloomberg to crown himself as Emperor Mike I who knows better than the fools who elected him.
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