We were also overwhelmed by a tsunami of editorials and opeds from the newspapers, all in unison purveying the same flawed statistics and arguments, trying to bully the Legislature into submission.
I had my intern, Ann Fudjinski, count all the editorials and opeds in the NY Post, the Daily News, the NY Times and the Wall Street Journal between March 1 and May 29, when the final vote on the cap occurred.
The resulting tally (in excel) is quite astonishing.
In the NY Post, there were 21 separate editorials and 21 opeds for raising the cap in less than three months; sometimes several on one day. Nine were written by charter school authorizers, operators or paid lobbyists. (And this doesn't count the obviously slanted coverage of some of the reporters.)
In the Daily News, there were 25 editorials and opeds, for raising the cap; with only one leaning against (by Andrew Wolf). Eleven were opeds; three by a regular columnist (Errol Louis) and five by charter authorizers, operators, or paid representatives of the charter industry.
The volume was decidedly smaller in the NY Times and Wall St. Journal, but similarly one-sided. One pro-charter editorial and one pro-charter oped appeared in the Times; and one pro-charter editorial and two pro-charter opeds in the WSJ. In all, 99 percent of the editorials, opinion columns and opeds were in favor of charter schools.
Traditionally, opeds are supposed to provide balance to offset the views expressed by the editors and/or the regular columnists.
I emailed the oped editor of the NY Post, Adam Brodsky, to ask him why their coverage was so overwhelmingly lop-sided, but got no reply.
I did get a response from Josh Greenman, the oped editor of the Daily News, who wrote me that balance was less important than the "strength of argument, timeliness, vibrancy, newsworthiness and value added to an important debate."
Which begs the question why the only pieces he thought were sufficiently vibrant, newsworthy and valuable to the debate were those that agreed with the frequently reiterated positions of the Daily News editors.
Oh, this is fantastic work, Leonie. Take all those pretty words Brodsky used, mash them together and let's just call it "brainwashing". It's why the editorial section nor the opinion articles can be taken seriously anymore. New York's newspapers have certainly lost their way.
Someone told me she went to a Tony Avella fund-raiser and he'd been offered a ton of money to come out for charters. They've bought the papers, they've bought the politicians, and there's almost nowhere people can go and see the truth.
Except here, of course.
Can it really be that so many of the assistant editors and editors-in-chief of NYC papers have
(a) lost their integrity when it comes to this subject? (b) been brainwashed?
(c) simply been too superficial and simplistic in this area?
(d) been confused and thus cave in to a certain form of invalid political correctness?
(e) succumbed to all of the above?
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