Check out the just-published piece in NY Magazine called Wishful Testing, featuring the comments of Steve Koss, blogger here, and which analyzes the state test score bubble,
Independent voices of New York City public school parents
Check out the just-published piece in NY Magazine called Wishful Testing, featuring the comments of Steve Koss, blogger here, and which analyzes the state test score bubble,
Great article that reveals the tip of the "data driven" iceberg. Future articles will demonstrate the transmogrification of crime stats in schools whereby "CEO" principals are extremely and personally motivated to omit, falsify and NOT report serious crimes by being punished if they do. Makes sense? It does to the candidate who spent over a hundred million in advertising: "Crime is down, scores are up. You do the math."
Sounds like Tweedgate to me. behind?
Good article too as i read its content. Sharable to others that might critic and give ideas from their own.
cArticle is giving the truth! However, I don't think NY Magazine can compete with the 'spin' from the billionaire mayor and his chancellor who are already claiming that their gains in NYC are responsible for being awarded funds from 'race to the top'.
From NYCDOE website: “New York State’s selection is a testament to what we’ve accomplished in our City’s schools over the last eight years,” said Mayor Bloomberg. “Our students have shown tremendous improvement and now – as a Race to the Top participant – we will work with our teachers and school administrators to raise the bar once again.”
Those such as Diane Ravitch have said this for years on deaf ears. NYC school system is a complete dictatorship. Administrators and teachers must do as they are told or else....
I don't have much faith in this article making a difference regardless of how true it is.
August 27, 2010 2:42 AM
I agree. I definitely appreciated all of these pieces.
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