Did you know that the New York State Education Department has
assigned 169 schools to administer stand-alone field tests next month? Your child may be in one of these schools and
you will not be notified beforehand.
This is a repeat performance of the way SED handled the field
tests that were given in June. Most
parents only learned about them at the last minute. While it was too late for
them to ask questions, some of us found out, protested at several schools and
boycotted the tests.
That’s why we're posting a list of the schools scheduled to be
tested along with the grade level and subject (ELA or math) involved. Otherwise
parents won’t know in advance that their children will be tested.
Nor will they be told that the
purpose of these exams is to provide the test publisher – Pearson, a
profit-making company – with free data supplied by our children, enabling
Pearson to assemble next April's statewide exams.
The field tests, which are not
mandatory for children, are due to be given on October 23rd, 24th or
25th; the principal of each school selects the date. And there will be still more separate,
stand-alone field tests this spring.
Although your child may not be
slated for field testing now, he or she is likely to be tapped in the spring
and in the next few years, as Pearson’s contract calls for stand-alone field
tests until 2015.
The parents and teachers of Change
the Stakes object to these tests and SED’s blatant disregard of parents’
legitimate concerns:
- Students already lose too much valuable class time to the annual statewide exams and test preparation activities surrounding them, compromising the quality of our children’s education. The list of assessments in various stages of development keeps on expanding...
- Not only are the tests themselves seriously flawed, the already high stakes attached to the tests are even higher this year. For the first time, teachers will be evaluated on their students’ test scores even though research shows that the tests are not a reliable measure of teacher performance.
- Parents have the right to know that their children are spending class time to benefit a profit-making company. Before proceeding with the field tests, SED should be required to obtain informed parental consent.
Keeping parents in the dark,
sacrificing learning opportunities to support commercial interests, turning our
schools into testing labs and running our children through a measurement maze
is unacceptable.
For information about which
schools have been assigned to administer the October field tests, see the
attached spreadsheet. To learn more about high-stakes testing and how to join
those of us who are fighting back against test-driven education, please go to www.changethestakes.org
~Fred Smith
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