So in February 2012 – about 16 months ago –
after the DOE released the TDR’s, I FOILed for the performance
evaluations of the Chancellor and the other top officials in the leadership
team at Tweed for 2009, 2010 and 2011. More
on my original FOIL request here.
According to Robert Freeman of the NY State Open Govt. Committee, the
performance evaluations of all public employees in NY
State are available to the public through FOILs, except for police, correction
officers and firefighters. In June of
last year, the Legislature passed a law, restricting the view of a teacher’s evaluation
to a parent with a child in the teacher’s class. Mayor Bloomberg went ballistic, and said he would have
every school call every single parent to tell them they had the right to this information,
and would
post the ratings on ARIS.
waiting for more than a year, the "final" response to my FOIL finally came back from
DOE about a week ago: that there are NO written performance evaluations for ANY of the top
officials at Tweed for 2009, 2010 or 2011, including the Chancellor:
searches and inquiries for responsive records have been conducted as to any
Chancellor (and his/her Chief of Staff) Chief Academic Officer, Senior Deputy
Chancellor, Chief Schools Officer, Deputy Chancellor, Chief Operating Officer,
Chief Financial Officer, and General Counsel for the time period covered y your
request. It is my understanding that no
such records were located, because no such records have been created. Accordingly, there are no records to provide.”
See the pdf here
and the photo above for the complete letter. DOE prides itself as operating like a business, but there is no corporation or organization that would fail to evaluate the performance of its top executives.
Instead, the educrats at Tweed are more like a petty dictatorship, whose workings are so
dysfunctional and mismanagement so extreme that they would have been
fired years ago, if there was any accountability at the top.
The hypocrisy here is stunning. Mike Bloomberg should hang his head in shame, if he ever had any.
What a great idea, Leonie! Every mayoral controlled school district should submit these kinds of FOI requests, and that should be done for the US DoE as well, to reveal how pervasive the lack of accountability is for the very people who demand accountability of so many others.
They continue to make blunder after blunder at Tweed with no one ring held accountable for their shoddy work. This occurs on all levels. Rather than bing held to the fire, Tweed continues to hire more hacks with no experience.
Anyone who is a teacher or administrator in the NYC school system knows the real grades of Mayor Bloomberg, his puppet Chancellor and the over abundance of staff at the Dept. of education. The only ones who have benefitted from their reign are his buddies who run charter schools and the companies that provided the high stakes tests and the test prep material that goes along with it. What a shame.
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