In today’s Daily News Juan Gonzalez reveals that while PS 123, a successful school in Harlem, had 644 parents applying to their new middle school, DOE drastically capped enrollment to give Eva Moskowitz’ charter school maximum space inside their building:
"Parents at a neighborhood public school suddenly learn Chancellor Joel Klein has decreed they must surrender scarce classroom space in their building for a new charter school. No parent or faculty meeting to gauge whether anyone wants the new school. No official vote of the local Community Education Council.
Some young bureaucrat from the city Education Department's Office of Portfolio Development arrives one day with a bunch of maps under his arm and promptly orders a new allocation of rooms."
Boom. Done. All part of Klein's rush to create 100,000 new charter school seats over the next few years."
The result? Half the current fifth-graders at PS 123 were reassigned to other schools in the neighborhood, enraging the parents at the school.As he writes: “In no suburban school system in the state would parent concerns be so flagrantly disregarded. Sadly, Bloomberg's style of mayoral control has become more like a dictatorship with velvet gloves.”
Except many of us do not see the velvet.
"PS 123, a successful school in Harlem..."
Would you describe a school in Tribeca or Park Slope as successful if it had a pass rate of 64% on the latest ELA? This means more than a third of the kids in that school are not passing what many consider to be a low bar. Worse still, only 1.2% of the students at PS123 scored a 4. Compare that with Harlem Success' first testing grade - 95% passed the ELA (23% scored 4's). They should be congratulated for improving but I would hardly describe them as a successful school.
The protesting PS123 Community along with ACORN should be ashamed of themselves for loudly chanting outside Harlem Success Academy 2 yesterday WHILE SCHOOL WAS IN SESSION. Bad taste.
I sure wish the posters on here would think about whether or not they would send their own kids to schools they so ardently (and blindly) defend. GO to HSA 2 and then GO to PS 123 then PLEASE report back here.
I would certainly send my kids to PS 123 before I would send them to the Moskowitz school. But if my kids were amongst the 17% of PS 123's that were ELL or the 7% that required special education services, I doubt my kids would be even by welcome in that or any other charter school.
Patrick, please GO to 123 and HSA 2 then write back. I think you will change your tune.
I have yet to hear anyone on hear say that they visited an HSA school.
Spend just a little bit of time in Harlem and you'll learn the reason why DOE parents are really angry is because there aren't enough HSA's to go around.
When the mayor undercuts funds, resources, and space to public schools, you may get a lower percentage of ELA passers at a public school than at a charter school that is allowed to pick, choose, and get rid of its students over a short course of time.
OK, that's fair. I will go. Do you know anyone at HSA2? My contact info is on the main page on the right side. I'll try to contact them but if you know them see if you can get me an invite.
As a member of the community surrounding PS 123, I am proud to say that I am not ashamed of the accomplishments of Community School 123. In comparison to other schools in the area this school has shown steady improvement on state exams. I support a parent's right to choose the best education system for their children and I support charter schools however, I have a problem with HSA2 blatantly disrespecting the Harlem Community. Using her elitist mentality, Eva Moskowitz bombarded her way into PS123 without meeting with the CEC which is against the Chancellors regulations. Throughout the summer, I observed workmen throwing out public school desks and chairs and bringing in fancy furniture. Clearly that sends a message to their students that they are better than the students who attend PS 123. From my building across the street, I observe on a daily basis the street being blocked off cars dropping off their kids. This is an indication, that the majority of HSA2 students are not zoned for that school.
I commend Moskwitz for 95% passing rate however, shouldn't that be expected from a school that through these hard economic times is still able to secure million dollar donations from private companies?
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