Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Our testimony to the NYC Council urging them to prevent the Mayor's proposed cuts to school budgets and the capital plan!

 May 25, 2022

Check out our  submitted budget testimony before the NYC Council Finance Committee for today. We urged the Chair Justin Brannan and other Council Members to prevent the Mayor's proposed cuts to school budgets of $375 million, that are projected to lead to a loss of about 3200 teaching positions, which in turn may cause the sharpest increase in class sizes since the Great Recession, the last thing NYC kids need to recover from the Covid crisis.  We also ask them to oppose the proposed $1.5 billion in cuts to new capacity in the capital plan, which is unsupported by evidence and apparently relies on an unrealistic change to the school capacity formula that assumes every middle school and high school classroom can be scheduled for every period of the day.

Our testimony also follows.  If you'd like to submit your own comments on these cuts,  you can send an email to by Friday.

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