I will post any response I receive from Mr. Rossi.
January 15, 2018
Rossi, General Counsel
Charter Institute
email to: Ralph.rossi@suny.edu
Dear Mr. Rossi:
Proposed revisions in the enrollment of many charter schools are
under consideration by the SUNY board.[1] I
cannot ascertain if the SUNY board has voted on these revisions already, but I
have questions about those proposed by the Success Academy Network:
1. Success Academy
is the only Charter Management Organization requesting SUNY authorization to
revise current enrollments at 12 schools, revisions that have presumably
already occurred. Can you explain how requests for authorization to revise current
school enrollments are legal?
2 2. Five of these
Success Academy charter schools are proposing expansions in their enrollments for
this year and next. There is also a net
increase across all twelve Success Academy schools of 444 students proposed for
next year. According to the mandated
process described on the SUNY charter institute website, SUNY
requires that “A material charter revision to modify
enrollment to more than what was provided for in the charter agreement (charter
paragraph 2.2 (a)) would require the school to submit…[an] Explanation of how
the plan fits the facility or facilities plan of the school.” [2]
Can you supply the
explanations provided by Success Academy of how these expansions fit the
facilities plans for these five schools and across the Network as a whole?
3. Success
Academy Cobble Hill is one of the five Success Academy schools requesting an
expansion of its enrollment. Yet the average utilization of D15 schools,
according to the DOE Blue Book report for 2016-2017, is already at 114%, and 70%
of K-8 schools in the district are already overcrowded. About 79% of K8
students in the district, nearly 20,000, are crammed in overcrowded schools, and
92 cluster rooms missing from these schools. according to DOE’s latest
utilization report.[3]
Meanwhile the student population in the district is still growing fast. Housing
starts data posted in March of last year 2017 multiplied by the City Planning
ratio would project that more than 4,700 additional K-8 seats will be
needed in D15 by 2019.[4]
The NYC five-year capital plan has only funded about half of the D15 seats necessary, according to the DOE estimates.[5] Yet the NYC DOE’s Office of District Planning has confirmed to the President of the Community Education Council D15 that only 61% of currently enrolled SACH students live in the district. Does SUNY take this information into account before approving the school’s expansion, and if not, why not?
The NYC five-year capital plan has only funded about half of the D15 seats necessary, according to the DOE estimates.[5] Yet the NYC DOE’s Office of District Planning has confirmed to the President of the Community Education Council D15 that only 61% of currently enrolled SACH students live in the district. Does SUNY take this information into account before approving the school’s expansion, and if not, why not?
4. I note that Success Academy Cobble Hill as
well as four other SAC schools, including SAC Crown Heights, SAC Fort Greene, SAC
Harlem 2, and SAC Harlem 5 all violated federal student privacy law, according
to SUNY 2016 site visit reports.[6] In
each of these Renewal Reports, the same observation is made:
Institute and school worked cooperatively to correct minor infractions at the
site visit regarding Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”)
wherein the intent of the school was laudable but technically a violation, and
the New York Freedom of Information Law(“FOIL”) wherein the list of records was
Can you explain what these FERPA violations involved, and why you
consider them “minor infractions”? As
you may or may not be aware, the Success Academy is currently under
investigation by the US Department of Education for serious FERPA violations in
at least one another case.[7]
5. In looking more closely at the Renewal report of Success Academy Cobble Hill, I
see the following charts, which appear to show that only a small percentage of
students with disabilities and English Language Learners at the school were
tested on the state exams in 2017, compared to the overall number of students with
these classifications. [8]
Can you
explain why such a small number of students at these schools in these
categories were tested?
Hoping to hear from you soon,
Class Size
Matters/Parent Coalition for Student Privacy
124 Waverly
Pl. New York, NY 10011
Cc: Camille
Casaretti, President, Community Education Council 15
Betty Rosa, Regent Kathleen Cashin, Regent Luis Reyes
Belluck, chair of SUNY Charter Committee
Carmen Farina
Barbieri, Attorney, Advocates for Justice
[1] http://www.suny.edu/about/leadership/board-of-trustees/meetings/webcastdocs/VA_InstituteUpdateMemoDec2017.pdf
[3] NYC
DOE, School Utilization and Capacity Report, 2016-2017 https://dnnhh5cc1.blob.core.windows.net/portals/0/Capital_Plan/Utilization_Reports/Blue%20Book%202016-2017.pdf?sr=b&si=DNNFileManagerPolicy&sig=g7eZjXLOaaZfmXPHd0cFOjryIfBrVwF8D5mf9IFcSpA%3D
[4] Housing
start data: http://www.nycsca.org/Community/Capital-Plan-Reports-Data#Housing-Projections-70
combined with NYC Planning public school ratio.
[5] NYC
School Construction Authority Five-year Capital plan, p. 21 at https://dnnhh5cc1.blob.core.windows.net/portals/0/Capital_Plan/Capital_plans/11162017_15_19_CapitalPlan.pdf?sr=b&si=DNNFileManagerPolicy&sig=6ZUDr4YoMGig5oWw5%2F%2BCYdMy8CV09qjwltkO3KZ0QkU%3D
, Nov. 2017.
[6] https://www.suny.edu/about/leadership/board-of-trustees/meetings/webcastdocs/III6_Success%20-%20Cobble%20Hill%20Renewal%20Report.pdf (Report Date:
October 11, 2016; Visit Date: September 14, 2016), p. 22. See also https://www.suny.edu/about/leadership/board-of-trustees/meetings/webcastdocs/III8_Success%20-%20Fort%20Greene%20Renewal%20Report.pdf (Report Date:
October 11, 2016; Visit Date: September 14, 2016). p. 22. http://www.newyorkcharters.org/wp-content/uploads/Success-Academy-Crown-Heights-Renewal-Recommendation-Report-2016-17.pdf (Report Date: October 11, 2016; Visit
Date: September 15, 2016), p. 22. http://www.newyorkcharters.org/wp-content/uploads/Success-Harlem-5-Renewal-2016.pdf (Report Date:
October 11, 2016, Visit Date: September 16, 2016), p. 24. http://www.newyorkcharters.org/wp-content/uploads/Success-Academy-Harlem-2-Renewal-Recommendation-Report-2016-17.pdf (Report Date:
October 11, 2016; Visit Date: September 13, 2016), p. 22.
Dale King, Director, Family Compliance Office, US Department of Education, Letter
to Fatima Geidi, December 7, 2017.
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