Wednesday, January 11, 2012

NYC Principal Hall of Shame: Why does DOE protect abusive principals?

There was a rally yesterday at Bronxdale High School to protest the DOE's refusal to remove its principal John Chase, despite his horrific record of sexually harassment; this follows last week's rally at Bronx Science, of former students protesting the egregious behavior of principal Valerie Reidy, which has led to a steady exodus of teachers leaving the school. (See also the NY Magazine article about Reidy's mismanagement of the school, especially the hundreds of comments from former students and teachers.)  Below are the comments of Lynne Winderbaum, former Bronx UFT HS district leader, about how DOE protecting abusive principals is standard operating procedure:

John Chase
Chancellor Walcott was quoted in the Daily News: “I’m not going to remove him, but he knows he cannot have any similar type of comments. He is on a very strict line as far as his behavior'…he added that some school staffers want Chase to remain in his post.”
 Following the deplorable moral standards of his predecessors under Bloomberg, Dennis Walcott staunchly asserts that he will not remove principal John Chase from his leadership position at Bronxdale High School. 

I represented teachers for many years as a UFT chapter leader and borough representative. Given the unique position of teachers and the damage done if they display immoral behavior in front of children, there has been no tolerance for them to remain in the classroom after even an allegation of misconduct. Teachers are immediately removed pending a hearing to err on the side of safety.  Yet the Department of Education does not apparently see the need to protect staff or students from abusive principals. 

The article in yesterday’s Daily News focuses on a disgusting sexual remark Chase recently made regarding the copy machine but omits inappropriate comments he made earlier made to female employees for which he has already been found guilty. 

 As far as school staffers wanting him to remain in his post, his entire teaching staff consists of eight untenured teachers (another good argument for tenure). They can be fired for any reason at any time while on probation. So their position must be taken with a grain of salt until they can speak without fear of consequences.

But this is just the latest example of the practice of DOE ignoring abusive and even illegal behavior on the part of principals:
Iris Blige
  • When 400 people marched outside Roosevelt High School in support of teacher Raqnel James, a respected and beloved tenured teacher on March 13, 2009, the Department of Education stood idly by as she was shipped to the rubber room and arrested. 
      The principal, Iris Blige, had fabricated charges to have her removed from the school after James had taken the principal’s friend to court for unpaid rent. It cost James her job, three years of salary and legal battles until she was finally found “not guilty” last month in a trial.  Previously, the Special Investigator had reported that Blige had told assistant principals to give teachers “U” (for Unsatisfactory) ratings, which can imperil their careers, on the basis of personal grudges. And yet DOE has done nothing but fine her a measly $7500.

Richard Bost
The Department of Education ignored years of allegations of sexual misconduct by Richard  Bost, former principal of Fordham Leadership Academy, who was also found guilty of abusing a secretary and stealing $7000 of school money to give to his AP. Finally, after committing unwanted sexual advances against a parent, Sen. Jeffrey Klein’s office got involved and Bost was removed.  

Valerie Reidy
The Department of Education continues to support Valerie Reidy, principal of Bronx Science, though her egregious behavior has led to a well-documented mass-exodus of excellent teachers from the school and an independent arbitrator found that she unfairly harassed and gave a “U” rating to Peter Lamphere, a former teacher at the school.

Barbara Kirkweg
  • The NYC DOE keeps Barbara Kirkweg, principal of Bronx Aerospace HS, in place even after numerous complaints by parents of harsh and unfair disciplinary practices, teachers accusing her of falsifying grades, and a finding by the Air Force that $66,800 in ROTC funds were unaccounted for.  
Anthony Rotunno   
  • Despite five years of allegations about the misrule of Anthony Rotunno, principal of Kennedy HS, including changing test scores, he remained in his job until the state comptroller found him guilty in 2010 of allowing staff to misuse $90,000 raised by  students.  Then he finally forced to resign

The protection of abusive principals at all costs appears to be the unwavering policy of the Department of Education. It is again time to fight back against this policy and demand the removal of John Chase.  -- Lynne Winderbaum


Anonymous said...

Add Nancy Gannon to this list, former Principal of School for Democracy and Leadership. Ran a failing school now is a Quality Reviewer in Tweed.

Anonymous said...

I was told by a UFT official that former Bronx District Representative David Shulman is now involved in the mess at Bronx Science. If so can you find out what he and the UFT have been doing to help rid the school of this tyrant.

Anonymous said...

Its fair to focus on ineffective principals, but if if this is an "independent" blog by parents than I am confused on why individual teachers are not named and pictured as well. While the majority of teachers work hard and are effective, there are many many teachers in NYC that are abusive to our children. In certain cases you may even call it educational malpractice. Who is "protecting" these ineffective, abusive educators? I certainly hope that you use this forum to truly advance the interest of our kids by bringing to light abuse by any educator despite title.

Anonymous said...

In response to the question about why not focus on teachers too, as a parent, I say "good point." Then I reread the post and noted:

"Teachers are immediately removed pending a hearing to err on the side of safety. Yet the Department of Education does not apparently see the need to protect staff or students from abusive principals."

Anonymous said...

Great piece!

I wonder if the DoE protects all principals, or goes out of its way to support the most abusive.


Anonymous said...

Its incorrect information to say that administrators are not as easily moved to protect students. In fact, in several districts administrators do not have as strong unions or even any unions thus making it far more easy to remove them. I say that whoever wrote this post provide us some facts on actual numbers. Just because there are a few examples that seem absurd does not mean we can generalize. Let's use our critical thinking skills please!!

Anonymous said...

Its incorrect information to say that administrators are not as easily moved to protect students. In fact, in several districts administrators do not have as strong unions or even any unions thus making it far more easy to remove them. I say that whoever wrote this post provide us some facts on actual numbers. Just because there are a few examples that seem absurd does not mean we can generalize. Let's use our critical thinking skills please!!

Anonymous said...

Its incorrect information to say that administrators are not as easily moved to protect students. In fact, in several districts administrators do not have as strong unions or even any unions thus making it far more easy to remove them. I say that whoever wrote this post provide us some facts on actual numbers. Just because there are a few examples that seem absurd does not mean we can generalize. Let's use our critical thinking skills please!!

Anonymous said...

Last commentor who posted three times:

The article is about NYC principals - not Westchester, Rockland, etc. NYC principals are unionized and are offered more protections by the DoE.

Let's use our "reading for details" skills, shall we?

Anonymous said...

I posted three times.

To the last person who posted: You obviously cannot think critically or read for details. If you read my post clearly I never claim that NYC principals are not unionized. Rather, I say that principals in general do not have unions or have unions with less protections than teachers. If you take a course on labor unions you might understand why.

Finally, have you read and compared/contrasted both contracts? Even a 6th grade student can find enough evidence to show you that the teachers' contract offers more protections.

Let me know if you have actually read the contracts or if you are simply making baseless claims. I know of a few excellent NYC teachers who can teach you the necessary critical thinking skills.

Anonymous said...

Something has to be done a change has to be made for these young students in aerospace hs .principle Barbara kirkweg has been playing with the students emotions and education .if our children study and pass and try there best to pass exams she degrades them .students have been getting injured no parents get notified she shows no concern for students nor parents I think it's time for change she has to go!!!!! Our children need love not ignorance from there own principle they need a principle who cares and has fath in them not judge them on race nor stereo type them please help aerospace HS needs guidance !!!

Seth said...

Here's another for your list: Beth Rudolph

She has BLATANTLY removed ALL Spanish speaking staff from one of her Special Needs sites. She hires friends and relatives of friends. She has told a female AP candidate that Superintendent Hecht mandated that she hire a MAN (of which HE was informed and took NO action). She allows her Caucasian staff/friends to SCREAM & HUMILIATE minority staff in plain view of students & other staff. She took NO action when one of her staff/friends boldface LIED about having a school ipad at home and blamed a Spanish staff member of stealing it; but brought it back when she was written up by a Spanish staff member who signed it out to HER.

No wonder NYC DOE has to BEG for quality teachers: the administrators are overwhelmingly corrupt and could care less about the students

Anonymous said...

Add Betty Lopez Towey of PS 344 - AmPark Neighborhood School in the Bronx to this list.

She finally announced her retirement (forced???) this week.

As a full-time 12-month NYC DOE principal, she worked 6-8 weeks in the summers as a labyrinth instructor in Silver Bay YMCA, Lake George, NY. She can now commit fully to her summer employment and real passion while collecting NYC DOE pension at NY taxpayer expense.

She has been under NYC DOE investigation the past year and a half for questionable management of school budget and summer employment.

AmPark has been a community school with strong teachers (less music and special ed staff).

Hopefully a new principal at AmPark can realize the potential for the community.

Anonymous said...

Diane Martin - PS 361 - Brooklyn - rules with bullying and intimidation. She constantly retaliates against teachers handing out U rating whenever she is mad at them. Often makes teachers cry by yelling at them and berating them. HAs taken an "A"school to just under a "F" school, which is now in jeopardy of being closed. Just a bad principal who does not know how to do her job and should be relieved of her position.

Anonymous said...

You can add Ari Hoogenboom from Abraham Lincoln High School in Brooklyn as well. The man is an absolute tyrant who derives pleasure out of destroying teachers careerers by unfairly handing them U ratings. He is a total incompetent who does not know how to manage a staff or let alone a school. The morale of the school is so low because of the toxic environment that he creates. He has been known to show favoritism only to young attractive female teachers who he often flirts with. He has also been known to ask students privately who their "favorite" teachers are and who their "least favorite" ones are and uses this info to go after the least popular teachers regardless of how well they teach. This is all the more reason why a new teacher evaluation if its passed will be deadly for many teachers who work in schools that have such abusive Principals. I advise all prospective teachers or those looking to transfer: STAY AWAY FROM LINCOLN HIGH SCHOOL or you wlll regret it

Anonymous said...

I worked in Lincoln for a few years and fortunately I was able to transfer to another school where the administration is so much more supportive. I thank my lucky stars that I'm no longer working in that hellhole Lincoln High School where everything said about Ari Hoogenboom is on point. The man is completely certifiable and deranged. He loves to use his power in destructive ways by harassing teachers. Just some of the things he's been famous for saying: to the former payroll secretary: "Can you give me the list of teachers making top salary...Lets see which one of them I go after today"....Also he always tells teachers that they should look on the open market if they don't do everything he wants them to do. He's also forced teachers to change grades, something that was reported but nothing ever happened to him because he's still there. Another nazi is the social studies AP. He was just a teacher when I was there but everybody knew he was gonna b the new AP because the Principal liked him and railroaded the now former AP out. The current AP's name is Ryan Fanning and he's bad news. I know for a fact that he's anti-semetic and he hates women as well. I know this because I heard him making remarks about both groups. Too bad I didn't have a recorder because I could have nailed him. But my point is that people like this are in positions of power and it's scary because they are capable of destroying people's lives and getting away with it because the powers that be such as the DOE support this crap and protect these monsters. It's time that teachers do everything to fight back because nobody should have to take this abuse

Anonymous said...

Add: Namita Dwarka to your list...she had six positions in six years and has two U-Ratings prior to her principals position in William Cullen Bryant HS!! She has illegally changed grades, harassed people and has mismanaged the entire school!!!

Anonymous said...

The comments about Lincoln HS are totally right. Hoogenboom, the principal, is a vile and destructive presence. He screams at teachers in front of kids and parents. He is trying to get rid of the older, more experienced teachers. In fact, he has succeeded in pushing out some already, and I know that a few were very well regarded by teachers and kids. The AP of Social Studies, Fanning, is an arrogant dope. He mangles historical knowledge and can barely write, but he's a huge guy with a bullhorn voice so he thinks he can ride roughshod over anyone he wants. I so want both of these men to be brought down. They have ruined the education of students and the careers of teachers.

Anonymous said...

I second the addition of Namita Dwarka in your Principal Hall of SHAME. She is completely incompetent and destructive. She has U rated teachers to demoralize them in retaliation for disagreeing with her. She is ruining the careers of excellent teachers and has driven away many of them and many more to follow.

Hi Shama -- stick it! said...

Watfa Shama is another horrific principal. She has demoralized every teacher that ever worked for her. There are 16 charges against her in the DOE, including regents tampering. No problem. She still gets up and goes to work every day because her sister Fatima Shama is one of Bloomberg's commissioners. Eek. There is a witch hunt against teachers and the reason: dismantling the unions and retirement system.

Dramah Mamah said...

Add Ingrid Mason who runs the failing school PS174 in Brooklyn, like a Mob Boss. She has stripped several teachers of their jobs, can't keep a good teacher to save her soul and blames the teachers for all of the schools ills. She is as nasty as they come and manages to keep a job at a school that has been failing for 10 years which by the way is the same number of years she has been in place. She and her failing school should be sent on a one way ticket to hell.

Anonymous said...

I would like to add ps 20 on Staten Island to this list. My son has attended this school for 2 years too long.! The principal Maria Munoz is a HORRIBLE PERSON AND PRINCIPAL. She also has an assistant Annette Steinworth who is nothing more than a puppet. She runs this school like a prison no friendly child interaction,she has horrible parent communication and the school has terrible teachers. When you have a complaint do not rely on the principal because she's always in a meeting. The so called teachers all look exhausted and disturbed one teacher went as far as grabbing my child( I reported the school haven't heard anything back). Needless to say my son w be coming out of this school next year!

Anonymous said...

Add Jennifer Rogers of PS 29 Queens to the list. The only teachers this principal "supports" are ones she can bribe, scare and manipulate into doing anything she needs them to do including harming colleagues and students if need be. This principal is no leader.......she's a tyrant. She wakes up every day wondering which staff member to attack next. NEW TEACHERS STAY AWAY!!! Coming to work here may end your career.

Anonymous said...

I am currently working at PS 29Q and not only agree with the above comment but would like to add a few more comments to the demise of this school. This WAS a school where teachers and children came in and were happy to be apart of such a wonderful community but since Mrs. Rogers has come along this is no longer true. This WAS once a school where children were number one priority unfortunately this is no longer true. This has become a school of test prep and illiteracy. Why do we have such low ELA test scores year after year? Why are our children reading far below benchmark levels? Well it's because our schools continues to use TC Reading Program even though it is not aligned with the Common Core and the city has taken it off the recommendation list. When your child moves on to middle school and struggles through the curriculum you can thank our fearless leader Mrs. Rogers for their failures.

Anonymous said...

There are more articles on PS29 Principal Jennifer Rogers

How is she able to keep her position???

Anonymous said...

Abraham Lincoln High School has an extremely high amount of teachers leaving due to the following reasons:

early retirement
leave of absence
other reasons

Principal Hoogenboom has given over 30 U ratings to teachers this year. The only reason why this school has remained open is because of the sports programs.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Dwarka rates hard working veteran teachers unsatisfactory while others teach one period, do not get observed and they do the job of an AP since she got rid of 9 of them.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Dwarka has ordered assistant principals to rate veteran teachers unsatisfactory that she does not like. Most of these assistant principals got pushed out anyway and replaced by teachers without any opposition from the UFT. She has changed grades and pressure teachers to pass students who do not deserve it. She has used the Danielson model to go after veteran teachers even though it was not in effect. She has harassed and humiliated a math teacher that have won a Robotic competition because she failed as a principal to see if the bus company involved in an accident was safe.What a shameful woman!

Anonymous said...

“Ms. Dwarka doesn’t care about our education,” said sophomore Andrew Morrero, who was among the students who walked out.

“She fired a lot of the good teachers, she got teachers that really don’t know what they’re doing,” he added. “Being that a quarter of the school walked out, that’s good to stand up to get her out of the school. She shouldn’t be the principal.”

Anonymous said...

Ms. Dwarka has rated veteran teachers unsatisfactory in order to win her sympathy from Tweed, she is pushing veteran teachers out and has pushed good assistant principals out. It is called engaging in age discrimination, when you constantly target the veteran teachers and hire inexperienced teachers while there are experienced ATRS with no positions. An investigation is on the way, we will not stop until all the corruption of the last 2 years is out. How come all these veteran teachers worked for many years under different supervisors and were never rated unsatisfactory? She rates teachers with good statistics because of personal grudges or dislikes. This is totally destructive and unacceptable to establish a good leaning environment. She has been investigated for changing grades and she has used fraudulent recovery credit programs. She has pushed out 9 veteran assistant principals after forcing them to change ratings on teachers to impress TWEED. The students are angry at her for getting rid of good teachers but TWEED must be happy because she is saving them money.

Anonymous said...

The principal of W. C. Bryant High School has pushed out 9 assistant principals out, after forcing them to go after veteran teachers who she felt threatened by and replace them with teachers who she named coordinators. Teachers acting as coordinators and doing an assistant principal job.

Anonymous said...

The union's failure to protect their senior teachers is disgraceful and for the UFT to allow Tweed to practice ageism in the teacher removal process is aiding and abetting the DOE practice of age discrimination.

Anonymous said...

“The main thing that’s changed is that a new administration will be implementing that grant and that one of its stated priorities is teacher retention,” said Amy Arundell, the UFT’s director of personnel and special projects.
Dwarka alienates and gets rid of teachers, now I wonder why she cannot find teachers.

Anonymous said...

Several dozen students from William C. Bryant High School in Long Island City walked out of school on Friday, Nov. 8, demanding the removal of Principal Namita Dwarka.

Gus Prentzis, head of the school's Parent Association, was in attendance acting as an observer. He chose not to give a statement, saying he preferred for people to hear about the issues in the school from the students themselves.

While many students were unaware of the reason behind the walkout, which occurred just before 11:30 a.m., several students were shouting and echoing excitedly, “They can't do anything, it's against the law for them to stop us.”

Across the street from the high school, a group of about 25 students was loosely gathered in front of a laundromat.

A DOE representative and two of the school's counselors attempted to speak with the students, but only a few were able to give specific reasons behind the walkout.

“We want a new principal because she's in another country right now,” said junior Felipe Aguilar, referring to Dwarka's trip to China. “She doesn't care about the students, she just cares about the money.”

Another student lamented the treatment of problem students.

“All the bad kids that cut and everything, they stay in one room all day, and they act like they're in prison,” said junior James Calle.

About a dozen students were brought back to the school after being picked up by the NYPD in a transport van, after which the students dispersed, some joining the crowd of protesters, others joining a crowd gathered around the fence surrounding the school's handball court.

A school administrator was ushering protesters out of the school's front lobby and sending them across the street. He said that the school was not going to be able to issue a statement until after they were able to get things organized.

“She doesn't care about our education,” said sophomore Andrew Morrero, who was among the students who walked out.

“She fired a lot of the good teachers, she got teachers that really don't know what they're doing,” he added. “Being that a quarter of the school walked out, that's good to stand up to get her out of the school. She shouldn't be the principal.”

Read more: Queens Ledger - Walkout at Bryant High School

Anonymous said...

Several dozen students from William C. Bryant High School in Long Island City walked out of school on Friday, Nov. 8, demanding the removal of Principal Namita Dwarka.

Gus Prentzis, head of the school's Parent Association, was in attendance acting as an observer. He chose not to give a statement, saying he preferred for people to hear about the issues in the school from the students themselves.

While many students were unaware of the reason behind the walkout, which occurred just before 11:30 a.m., several students were shouting and echoing excitedly, “They can't do anything, it's against the law for them to stop us.”

Across the street from the high school, a group of about 25 students was loosely gathered in front of a laundromat.

A DOE representative and two of the school's counselors attempted to speak with the students, but only a few were able to give specific reasons behind the walkout.

“We want a new principal because she's in another country right now,” said junior Felipe Aguilar, referring to Dwarka's trip to China. “She doesn't care about the students, she just cares about the money.”

Another student lamented the treatment of problem students.

“All the bad kids that cut and everything, they stay in one room all day, and they act like they're in prison,” said junior James Calle.

About a dozen students were brought back to the school after being picked up by the NYPD in a transport van, after which the students dispersed, some joining the crowd of protesters, others joining a crowd gathered around the fence surrounding the school's handball court.

A school administrator was ushering protesters out of the school's front lobby and sending them across the street. He said that the school was not going to be able to issue a statement until after they were able to get things organized.

“She doesn't care about our education,” said sophomore Andrew Morrero, who was among the students who walked out.

“She fired a lot of the good teachers, she got teachers that really don't know what they're doing,” he added. “Being that a quarter of the school walked out, that's good to stand up to get her out of the school. She shouldn't be the principal.”

Read more: Queens Ledger - Walkout at Bryant High School

Anonymous said...

Add Sarah Goodman to the list for unfair disciplinary actions towards children with disabilities. Horrible woman.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Goodman @ Hunter's Point Community Middle School, yes that is correct this is the same school Avanti Oquendo attended, maybe she pushed him to the limit of running away for such harsh disciplinary actions.

Anonymous said...

Please add Ann Marie Henry Stephens to this shameful list. She is the principal of the Brooklyn Institute of Liberal Arts. It was a "new" school started in the fall of 2012 and she was a first year principal. Nothing in her bio shows that she is even qualified to be a principal. She runs her school with an iron fist. This approach applies to her teachers as well as the students. I have been an educator for 38 years (recently retired) and I know that one of a principal's primary tasks is to MENTOR his/her new teachers. ALL of the teachers were new to the field and, to my knowledge, only 2 out of 7 returned for the second year. THAT SPEAKS VOLUMES! I happened to be in the school one day in Nov. '12 and I heard her berate a teacher IN FRONT OF STUDENTS. She then proceeded to be, in my opinion, rude to a parent. There is a great deal of talk about bad teachers but what about bad principals? There is so much potential in new, enthusiastic, teachers who have chosen to enrich the lives of children rather than choosing a career that will make them rich. WHY ON EARTH WOULD WE THROW THESE YOUNG TEACHERS TO THE WOLVES BY SUBJECTING THEM TO PRINCIPALS LIKE ANN MARIE HENRY STEPHENS? SHAME ON THE NEW YORK PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM!

Anonymous said...

Please Include JEANETTE CABAN the Principal of PS 94 in Sunset Park, Bklyn, to the HALL of SHAME.
Under the leadership of J. Caban, PS 94 many teachers and students have suffered. Caban rules autocratically and often resorts to bullying tactics.
No surprise that PS 94 has an incredible high rate of teacher turn over every year. Every year several teachers are targeted and harrassed. The APs at the school are also regularly subjected to the irrational bullying fits of rage by the Principal. The whole school suffers, but the real crime is the effects filter down to negatively impact the students. The largely immigrant studnet population of Sunset Park is being taken advantage of under the leadership of JCaban. Hopefully, there will be a change in leadership soon !

Anonymous said...

Add Drew Goodman, @ K634 in Brooklyn, to the list for excessing a para in a 12:1:1 setting. His reason for doing so was that the Network claimed there wasn't any money in the budget. These students were left without a para for many months and the UFT said he did not violate their IEPs. How come, when their IEPs stated that that was the setting that would best suit their needs? Shame on Goodman, the UFT and the Network. Is it too late to investigate this matter?

Anonymous said...

There is a horrible woman at IS218 in Manhattan. June Barnett has had an extraordinarily high teacher turnover as a result of her bullying tactics. She has used children to spy on teachers, maintains a sidekick who works for her in the building who has been cited for fudging state tests. June Barnett has also been witnessed grabbing children, making racially offensive and insensitive remarks, making sexually charged remarks to children. She also has trumped up charges of abuse of children against teachers. Children are told to pay uniform fines on days they were told are relaxed uniform days. Money is unaccounted for, and her sidekick has been caught double dipping working the after school program and mentoring teachers at the same time, even though she is not a teacher herself. Children go un monitored for minutes and periods at a time because she insists on tying up teachers with absolute nonsense and wastes of time. She also uses the personnel from the network to help her do her dirty work. That is only some of the stuff that I saw in my 2 years there.

Anonymous said...

Dwarka Must Go
Sept. 24 2014

A copy of this letter was received at the Queens Gazette. Dear Schools Chancellor Carmen Farina:

Where's the story?
PointsMentioned Map16 Points Mentioned
I understand that Superintendent Juan Mendez of District 30 is trying to stall a School Leadership Team (SLT) member’s request for hard copies and a specific explanation concerning Bryant H.S. Principal Namita Dwarka’s school credit card charges.

Faculty, students and parents are still puzzled why Namita Dwarka is allowed to continue as principal at Bryant H.S. The Office of Special Investigation (OSI) has been flooded with complaints regarding grade changes, evaluation changes and retaliation towards whistle-blowers by Dwarka and yet nothing has been done.

More than 200 students rallied and protested last school year, holding signs which read “Dwarka Must Go!”

As a parent, I have also expressed my concern to the OSI.

The saddest thing of all is that I was informed that a teacher needed to start taking medication to remain calm so that she could go to work and teach.

Principal Dwarka has pushed many staff members out, but those that have chosen to stay are walking on eggshells fearing they are Dwarka’s next target.

I must say I am very concerned that if quick action is not taken soon, someone will reach their breaking point.

Dwarka continues to claim she is protected. My question is by whom and why?

I will be attending the next City Council hearing, where I hope parents, such as myself, can get some answers to these questions. Thank You

Gus Prentzas
Concerned Parent

Anonymous said...

Still going through stuff @ Hunters Point Middle SChool. Sarah Goodman has has removed and suspended my child so many times and nobody stops her despite all the complaints to Chancellor and Superintendent. She has her loyal Minions. Bart Piscitello, Diana Grindea, Paraprofessional Stephanie Castro, always messing with my kid. God dont like ugly and those people will feel his punishment one day.

Anonymous said...

Granny principal fined 3G for zoning out - NY Daily News News
The Education Department fined a principal $3000 for improperly bypassing zone ... Monday, November 24, 2008, 10:16 PM ... Maria Rosado, who is still principal at Public School 207 in Kingsbridge, enrolled her ... She did the same for another grandson atPublic School 291, where she was previously assistant principal.

Anonymous said...

Once again the Principal of William Cullen Bryant high school has found herself in hot water. This time its about a missing $195 thousand dollars that was collected for gym uniforms, locks, and food. Apparently a DOE investigation found no receipts for the money allegedly spent. However, the DOE has failed, once again, to discipline and remove the infamous "Leadership Academy Principal" Namita Dwarka. Moreover, a veteran physical education teacher, Peter Maliarakis has claimed that money raised with the sale of the uniforms and locks that should have been allocated to upgrade the gym and to buy new gym equipment was not used for those purposes. The New York Post article can be found Here.

Namita Dwarka has been in trouble before but yet the DOE has failed to act. Last year there was the Regents cheating scandal where the school administration falsely labeled English speaking students as ESL, to give them extra time and higher grades on the Regents.

Earlier in the month 200 students, parents, and teachers protested outside the school against the Principal and her policies that shortchanged special education students and eliminated academic programs. She allegedly was accused of threatening students who joined the protest in not being allowed to attend their graduation ceremony. Again, the DOE refused to take any action.

Then there was the allegation of the Principal changing grades to raise her graduation rate. However, the DOE failed to take action against Namita Dwarka, despite the many students and teachers willing to testify to the grade changing.

She has shown her vicious side too by retaliating against staff and students who dare stand up to her. Here is a letter that was sent to Mayor Bill de Blasio, Chancellor Carmen Farina, and the Queens Gazette outlining the issues. Finally, she has a terrible reputation with the ATRs as she refuses to hire veteran ATRs and has been accused to have placed uncertified teachers in rather than select a veteran certified teacher for some hard to staff subjects.

This is just another case of the DOE "double standard" in protecting bad principals while going after teachers, despite the change at the top.

Anonymous said...

Esperanza Preparatory School is run by the students. The Principal, Asst Principal are a joke and needd to step down. They are unprofessional especially Wendy Mercedes. Never smiles. Passes you in the hallway and doesn't say anything. She has done so much to the Paraprofessionals in a unprofessional manner. Teachers beware! Parents please don't put your children in this school. Everything gets pushed under the rug! No suspension program. Students can be disrespectful and get away with it.

Anonymous said...

Please include Bridgit Bye at Pan American International H.S in the Bronx, I was recently a new teacher there and the power principals have is unbelievable. Yes the article is accurate as the DOE protects it's principals regardless of many reports of racism, discrimination, retaliation.

Anonymous said...

Add Zoi McGrath of MS67 to the list. She is a bossy, nasty, unsympathetic, and a manipulative principal. She never has a nice word to say about any teacher and has been heard many times saying that "All the teachers in this school are replaceable". She forces her APs to do weekly lesson plan checks of the teachers, give "ineffectives" on lesson observations and yells at students, teachers and secretaries daily. MS 67 is one of the highest performing schools, yet has the most ineffective an developing teaching reviews - really? This is a great staff of professional teachers. Teachers have been "ordered" to tell students that tests and quarterly tests are 28 minutes so that students that need extra time have the entire period to take the test (time and a 1/2). She refuses to find another room for them to take the test and get extra time. Most of the tests take longer than 28 minutes, but the test must say 28 minutes. It is ALL a lie! Zoi McGrath leads by fear and threats. Teachers get letters in their files for small issues, regardless of their teaching ability. Two weeks ago the teachers had to vote to enact a PROSE program and were threatened with "or else" if it did not pass with 95% approval. She even yelled at teachers and forced them to vote a certain way, even if they did not want to vote. It did not pass with the teachers because she lied about the details and pressured teachers to vote a certain way. Everything she says is a lie. The results of our Mozel tests are graded by her and her APs. When will the DOE get smart about McGrath and stop protecting her??? The students and parents hate her so much, too! Zoi McGrath needs to be "outed"!

Anonymous said...

How come there isn't a picture of Hoogenboom on here? Presently the majority of the school is on Open Market. Why is that? Why isn't the principal held accountable for that?

Anonymous said...

Judy Henry at Getway School of Health and Sciences in Queens.

Principal sounds so similar to all the other listed above. She had a teacher change the IEPs of special needs children. All 8th graders, whether they are 1,2,3, or 4 are accelerated in math. School is constantly under investigation. Teacher morale is horrible. I'd get a cramp in my fingers just typing it all

Follow the links here

Interesting when this school first opened after moving to its new campus there was a partnership Queens Hospital Center, since Henry arrived there is no longer a relationship with the hospital. Why not change the name of the school?

Anonymous said...

Principal Pauline O'brien High School for Medical Professions Broolyn, NY also has "U" rated, is abusive and berated good teachers who love teaching. Even new teachers that she hires. She undermines teachers she does not like as well, for no good reason. Sets them up to fail, and downright lies on observations, and twists things around. She misappropriated $2000 from my area to another... It is a nightmare. But what is most obvious is the NYCDOE approves this behavior because she is a high rated principal... I do not know how that is possible.

Anonymous said...

I've been bullied by my children principle at a elementary school in the bronx p.s 109 in the bronx. she has taken my rights away from me with my 2 disabled children I've been slapped in my face with a evolope, I've been followed by the staff. My children who are victims of domestic violence have been snatched out of there class and put into a kindergarten class where my son urinated on himself due to believing that our abuser was there to hurt him. As a parent the principle josette Claudio stop all staff from talking to me I received a limited access letter from the princible after I filed a complaint against her she them allowed herself to become personal with me. I've reported this behavior to the doe and the board of education but as always they protect their princible and continue to allow her to treat me and other parents this way. Over 28 teachers left the school last June and this June of 2015 many more have left due to the horrible behavior of this principle.

Anonymous said...

I've been bullied by my children principle at a elementary school in the bronx p.s 109 in the bronx. she has taken my rights away from me with my 2 disabled children I've been slapped in my face with a evolope, I've been followed by the staff. My children who are victims of domestic violence have been snatched out of there class and put into a kindergarten class where my son urinated on himself due to believing that our abuser was there to hurt him. As a parent the principle josette Claudio stop all staff from talking to me I received a limited access letter from the princible after I filed a complaint against her she them allowed herself to become personal with me. I've reported this behavior to the doe and the board of education but as always they protect their princible and continue to allow her to treat me and other parents this way. Over 28 teachers left the school last June and this June of 2015 many more have left due to the horrible behavior of this principle.

Anonymous said...

Please post Dr. Eric Blake of Science, Technology and Research at Erasmus Campus. He has been reported for numerous times for theft from the after school program, cancelled the entire Spanish department in order to get rid of one teacher that had no prior U ratings, and openly handed out religious literature to students. He has systematically changed staff buy intimidation in order to hire former college colleagues and members from the same church. Preference for students is the same as well. He has destroyed the educational foundation of this school and keeps getting away with it.

Anonymous said...

Antonio K,tori: The Jackie Robinson School PS 15. Springfield Gardens, Queens.
This principal wears a suit 365 days a year to look professional. He has been brought up on several charges by the DOE and is being personally sued by several staff and parents. He has alegedly made sexual advances at both male and female staff and even parents of students. He is ill equipped to lead an early childhood or elementary education institution and has been positioned to damage both the teaching and learning processes within the building. He uses fear and intimidation to foster teacher effectiveness. During his tenure at the school there has not been any sustainable growth. He takes students to these plays, which is a good gesture, but this is done to mask his poor leadeship abilities and get parents excited. Even at these excursions he would use a restaurant owned by a staff member and her husband to supply meals to the students. Sometime is over $2000. This is a big red flag. The said staff member accumulates excessive overtime monies in the e form of per session and although the individual is not payroll secretary she pays and enter the times for h rrself ann all staff members,
Several staff have made numerous reports to the DOE and other agencies and he continues the bullying and the holding over the heads of staff members 3020 a because he can do it. He has mastered the 3020a process because he has been through it 3 times.

Anonymous said...

Sonya Johnson, principal at Hunts Point Middle School belongs here also. She cannot be trusted. She can put up a nice show and talk about nothing forever. She has her favorites. She undermines teachers and uses Teacher Evaluation System as a panishment or reward. She is not ashamed to wear "All men must die" T-shirt.

Anonymous said...

Add Jaqueline Rosado from I.S. 291 in Bushwick Brooklyn who abuses her power and retaliates against teacher who blow the whistle when illegal things are going on at her school. Ms. Rosado has given most of the staff unfair and false evaluations on their job performance due to her not liking their personality....the DOE has done NOTHING to investigate and rectify the abuse!

Anonymous said...

Jaqueline Rosado is another horrible principle at I.S 291 in Bushwick who seems to have an inferiority complex when her female staff consists of attractive women (who are absolutely capable of performing their job duties.) She blatantly abuses her power and doesn't care who sees how she goes after her staff because she knows everyone needs a job and are afraid to be fired. She makes up bogus excuses to fire people and makes it a point to brag about the District Superintendent being a personal friend of hers. The students have no clue who she is when she comes out of her office to walk around the school,2 or 3 times a month. She refuses to meet with parents and if she does meet with them she brushes them off and has one of her minions in the main office deal with them. She claims to be a religious woman that attends church every Sunday, but she is THE DEVIL at work Monday through Friday. The school has failed terribly under her watch and yet she gets promoted with greater responsibilities! GOOD JOB DOE!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The principal at ps 109 in the Bronx, jossette Cladio is abusive principal that bullies teachers and the last assistant principal too. She only talks about clothes and men. She's even dating a teacher from the school! Everyone is intimated by her that's why over the last three years she has been there more than 50 TEACHERS HAVE LEFT PS109.

Anonymous said...

Sonya Johnson is finally demoted from her principal status at M.S 424 in the Bronx!!!!! It didn't take a fool to realize that she was incompetent to run the school. Kudjos to the upper ups for finally opening their eyes! I am quite sure a lot of the staff members are celebrating her dismissal from the school.

waitingforsupport said...

Amen. However despite their lack of support they continue to collect our dues.

waitingforsupport said...

She certainly is not the only educator who should never be left alone around children, animals or anything else with a pulse. We know a principal and AP who target and attack adults and children who use their voice to speak up against their bullying.

waitingforsupport said...

Parents and students should continue to use their power. All students deserve to receive a quality, challenging education in a safe environment--free from bullying children and/or adults who pretend to be adminstrators. Remember: promotion doesn't always mean learning AND graduation doesn't always mean prepared for college.

Anonymous said...

Be on the look out for Anthony Martin, an ATR A.P., who was removed several years ago as the Principal of MS 125 Bronx, for choking a student. Ever since his removal he has been bounced around as an ATR A.P. In at least one of the three schools he was assigned he fabricated an OSI investigation and handed out Ineffective ratings based on personal vendettas. In our school he misapplied the Danielson rubric, fabricated Ineffective ratings, and observed a teacher twice the week before she left on a medical leave. This man has no business being in a school and no standing to judge the teaching practices of anyone, let alone professionals who are clearly more qualified then him.

Anonymous said...

Non tenure teachers have been terminated and abused by many principals and because the lack of resources these teachers can't fight for thier jobs. Yet principals use school monies for thier own wants and not for the proper education of our children. We need great principals like the late Frank Mickens who cared of those who cared for the students in the building. The teachers need to walk out get respect and not accept the abuse of the department of education.

Anonymous said...

The principal at P.S. 84 Jose De Diego in Brooklyn definitly has a twisted sense of running this school seems that the appearance of the school is more important then the individual educational need of the child she would rather see the parent leave then to admit that the Dual Language Program is not succeeding in her school or try to give the teachers she hired resources to help the children. i couldn't believe that neither two of the assistant principals could help us and wouldn't change the child from this program knowing he was struggling and didn't understand spanish the administration continued to brush us away and the principal control them to the point that they couldn't say a thing. i realized that the principals are given the authority to hire who they want as assistant principals so they have the power to cover up for them including hiring there best friends this is not a good thing parents are suffering and students are struggling to receive the educational support they deserve. i feel the school system has become a personal business for these principals. i can't understand how the higher ups can't see this. We the parents should be able to have a say so to who we want as assistant principals and parent coordinators thats a joke to but thats a whole different story. hope and pray that parents wake up and start demanding this principal to listen to there needs and concerns she needs to stop giving speeches that sound like she's in disney land.

Anonymous said...

You can add Sereida Rodriguez Guerra Principal of P.S. 84 Jose De Diego to this list of SHAME!

Sassy classy red said...

Principal josette claudio is horrible to the parents and her staff.Principal is now having relationship with a man who works in the lunch room. How nasty she got pregnant by a para at her last school then she comes to ps109 and have relations with the third grade teacher it was said as I d got pregnant by him now she messing with the lunchroom man how many teachers are leaving the school again every school term so many teachers and other staff leave ps.109. This principal needs to be fired. Also the assistant principal ms adlestien had a baby by the janitor it's like a whore house instead of school. How sad for our children.

Sassy classy red said...

Josette claudio p.s.109 needs to stay on the shame list. This principal has been under investigation numerous times and her higher up superintendent has not done anything stop the bad behavior. claudio the principal talk rudely to parents she refuse to meet with then claudio this principal is out of control parents are ready to petition the principal out of p.s.109. It's horrible to know that she ms claudio is having so many relationships with male staff. What kind of examples is the principal and assistant principal Rachel adelstein is setting for our children by sleeping and having babies by the staff at the school. Fired is the only answer. But as always the district protect there principals bad behavior. How sad p.s 109 is falling down so many teachers and other staff has left every year for past 3years or more since josette claudio has become principal at this school. This year many more are leaving the school again. When is the district gonna realize that the problem is the principal and not the parents. It's terrible to have your children in a school with a principal who enjoys controlling and bullying her staff and the parents.I believe that the superintendent needs to step up and take action against the principal josette claudio if not she will continue to keep loosing so many teachers my question is for this district 9 how long will this behavior goes on. Shame shame on principal josette claudio.

Sassy classy red said...

Josette claudio p.s.109 needs to stay on the shame list. This principal has been under investigation numerous times and her higher up superintendent has not done anything stop the bad behavior. claudio the principal talk rudely to parents she refuse to meet with then claudio this principal is out of control parents are ready to petition the principal out of p.s.109. It's horrible to know that she ms claudio is having so many relationships with male staff. What kind of examples is the principal and assistant principal Rachel adelstein is setting for our children by sleeping and having babies by the staff at the school. Fired is the only answer. But as always the district protect there principals bad behavior. How sad p.s 109 is falling down so many teachers and other staff has left every year for past 3years or more since josette claudio has become principal at this school. This year many more are leaving the school again. When is the district gonna realize that the problem is the principal and not the parents. It's terrible to have your children in a school with a principal who enjoys controlling and bullying her staff and the parents.I believe that the superintendent needs to step up and take action against the principal josette claudio if not she will continue to keep loosing so many teachers my question is for this district 9 how long will this behavior goes on. Shame shame on principal josette claudio.

Sassy classy red said...

P.s 109 principal josette claudio is the worst. She treat parents horrible and is very disrespectful to the staff and many of her staff left due to her horrible behavior every year over 20 of her staff leaves. Its terrible for the parent to be treated in manner that is unbelievable this principal of she doesn't like what a parent says then she limits the parents from the school. The ratings on this school is so low and the children are far behind its sad when you have someone like josette claudio who uses what she thinks is power to fight against the parents instead of allowing the parents to join in to help the children try to get ahead. I believe that that if josette claudio would stop having sexual relationships with her male her ratings can improve. Its nasty to hear that a principal has baby by a para from another school she worked at previously then comes to p.s.109 as a principal and have sexual relations with her 3rd grade teacher and the 3rd grade teacher transfer to another school and now principal josette claudio is now having relations with another staff member what a shame. All is to be said is josette claudio needs to be fired. What kind of examples is she teaching our children.

Sassy classy red said...

P.s 109 principal josette claudio is the worst. She treat parents horrible and is very disrespectful to the staff and many of her staff left due to her horrible behavior every year over 20 of her staff leaves. Its terrible for the parent to be treated in manner that is unbelievable this principal of she doesn't like what a parent says then she limits the parents from the school. The ratings on this school is so low and the children are far behind its sad when you have someone like josette claudio who uses what she thinks is power to fight against the parents instead of allowing the parents to join in to help the children try to get ahead. I believe that that if josette claudio would stop having sexual relationships with her male her ratings can improve. Its nasty to hear that a principal has baby by a para from another school she worked at previously then comes to p.s.109 as a principal and have sexual relations with her 3rd grade teacher and the 3rd grade teacher transfer to another school and now principal josette claudio is now having relations with another staff member what a shame. All is to be said is josette claudio needs to be fired. What kind of examples is she teaching our children.

Sure stuff said...

ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!!! You hit the nail on the head about Principal Antonio Ktori! At the Jackie Robinson school (P. S. 15Q). Disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Please add Principal Tammy Holloway of Collaborative Arts Middle School (29Q355) to the list. She is a horrible principal! She uses bullying and intimidation to run her school. Holloway's presence is never know in the school as she uses a separate entrance to enter the school and stays in her office the whole day. Most of the sixth graders don't know who the principal is. This is a performing arts school and every year since the school has been in existence the arts department teachers are changed. Teachers are quitting in the middle of the school year due to the hostile work environment. Substitute teachers have requested not to be sent back to the school. She tries to destroy anyone who stands up to her using a "get down or lay down attitude". Majority of the students do not respect the teachers or staff. They use foul language and derogatory comments in the classroom making it difficult for teachers to teach. There is poor classroom management and the students who do want to learn are suffering. There are an excessive amount of fights in the classroom and out. There are no real consequences for these children because she doesn't want too many suspensions on the school's record. Tammy Holloway's bullying mentality trickles down to her school secretary and her AP's along with other staff members who she has a personal relationship with. Holloway and her "clique" need to be removed from the school and replaced with people who really care about educating our children in a safe environment.

Anonymous said...

CAROL ROBERTS-HEERAMAN & AMA WILLOCK from P.S./I.S. 30 Mary White Ovington are conniving and slick-willy school officials who know how to use and abuse the system to their advantage. They make phone calls behind the scenes and will do virtually anything to keep their comfortable positions despite the harm they propagate.

Seemingly, when you first meet them, they seem genuine and sincere until you catch them in their gross negligence as School Administrators and call them out on it by questioning them or complaining. While first speaking to you in soft and maternal notes, they then transform into the I-will-show-you-who's-the-boss and I-will-have-the-last-say henchmen that they are.
They intimidate parents and bend the rules their way. These officials SHOULD BE REMOVED because they deliberately place children in danger by refusing to report abused children and by allowing school staff to abuse the children themselves by rough handling and assault. They retaliate by reporting children to Administration for Children Services who are not abused with the intention of silencing parents.

Anonymous said...

Parents, I encourage you to complain until they are REMOVED. Please do not be silenced or intimidated. These corrupt officials are bullies. They need to REMOVED. They know they are wrong because after you file a complaint against them they allow themselves to become personal and overly friendly with you. BEWARE, even little Red Riding Hood grew suspicious of the wolf in her dear grandmother's clothing.

Parents connected to P.S./I.S. 30 Mary White Ovington, you have a voice and can be united. If someone else has even one issue with them, please post. I have written only a small list of what these disgraceful officials did and continue to do. To protect our children, it is best to not sugar coat the truth.

Anonymous said...


Alternatively, they encourage miscommunication by misinforming parents of their child(ren)'s progress.

THEY ARE DISHONEST. They blatantly LIE to DOE officials about their disgusting behavior and TWIST facts against a parent(s) and their child(ren) when a parent calls them out on their MISCONDUCT.

TAKE ADVANTAGE of parents who do not speak English, and those who do, by refusing to keep them informed about events and parental engagement regarding education.

MISUSES SCHOOL FUNDS. CAROL ROBERTS-HEERAMAN uses PTA earned funds to purchase only brand name products, such as with sports equipment, without consulting the PTA and many other educational products when the money should be used for cultural programs, like the arts and music, and STEM. Currently, the art and music teachers in this school are in danger of losing their employment because ROBERTS-HEERAMAN deems it unnecessary and wasteful for the children.

The majority of children at this school fall below the poverty line and are in need of affordable uniforms and services. These officials insist on expensive and cheap clothing in order to look good and do not encourage wasting money for much needed programs.

TREAT CHILDREN AS QUOTAS. Children are not sufficiently meeting educational requirement because they are pushed along and are treated as just another zero at the end of their pay-check.

An open door policy is in place but they have openly refused to meet with parents who are vocal about their child(ren) and degrade them by talking over them and falsely accusing parents of unreasonable and erratic behavior. CAROL ROBERTS-HEERAMAN and AMA WILLOCK are infamous for giving attitude, rolling her eyes and tsk-tsking her way around valid concerns. (SOUND FAMILIAR?)

AMA WILLOCK was witnessed by several teachers to physically and verbally abuse children but these teachers have been hushed with the threat of losing their teaching career.

SPIN DOCTORS. They will say and do anything to look as if their are the most concerned and over-worked DOE employees and parents who need to look after the welfare of the students but when you begin to ask questions concerning your child(ren) they will refuse to provide you with all the information. When a parent calls them out on this, they try to make the parent look delusional, nervous, over-anxious and too aggressive and will look you straight in the eye with a smile on their face while telling you they answered all of your concerns.

Anonymous said...

THE THREE PREVIOUS POSTS ARE ALL CONNECTED TO THIS POST. It was too long to be accepted as one post. Nevertheless, here it is.


A concerned Parent...

Anonymous said...

This hall of shame is a perfect place for CARMEN COLON, who has, in 20 short months RUINED PS 20 Anna Silver, on the Lower East Side of Manhattan.
This fiend is a bureaucrat and a liar of the highest order.
She is dishonest, uncommunicative and so shifty. She has consistently treated the parents as scourge, never has translation for the few meeting she attends, has been bully-running the SLT with inappropriate ratio of staff to parents.
She must have someone higher up, the Superintendent or more likely the Chancellor (another piece of work), who just disposes of all the complaints about her GROSS MISMANAGEMENT of what once was a lovely school with a thriving bilingual Mandarin program.
She runs her staff ragged, doesn't know or seem to like the students, and shovels shit with speed and skill.
If a doctor or police officer did their job this poorly, they would be replaced or retrained.
Or straight-up fired.
I wish we could launch a malpractice suit against this woman.
There should be an additional Hall of Shame for the uselessness of F.A.C.E.
The flippin District One office is IN our school (they took away our Parent room to use for their office) and still we can get no respite from the ongoing damage to our school, community, and most especially, our kids!!

Anonymous said...

We can also add Queens United Middle School 289​ located in Laurelton Queens, NY. The students have no discipline because the principal, Richard Roder and assistant principal Jason Akbar are too afraid of NYC DOE to properly run the school or programs. I've learned that most of the teachers are looking for new jobs and are resigning due to Roder's poor running of the school. NYC is quick to get rid of teachers when the problems are really with the poor administration. Richard Roder and Jason Akbar should be fired for the terrible work they have done the past two years!

A mad parent!!!

Anonymous said...

Add Marie Guillaume from the High School for Energy and Technology in the Bronx. She's only been the principal since the fall but she has run the school into the ground! She isn't focused on education, and bully's both the staff and the students! A bunch of kids have tried to call 311 about her because she pushes them and uses inappropriate language. She has been trying to get rid of students that are misbehaved to try and get her numbers to look better. A lot of the teachers are leaving at the end of the year because she is so unbearable to work with and all of the kids hate her. It's really a shame.

Anonymous said...

These comments ar horrific! Why do pincipals act this way? and get away with their actions? We talk about teachers being professionals= what about principals? I would like to know why nothing is done to stop these bullies= they're the ones who need to be terminated. Hello Mayor=Hello UFT= Hello Ms Farina= SO remember there will be a mayoral election VOTE to change the people in charge.

Anonymous said...

These comments ar horrific! Why do pincipals act this way? and get away with their actions? We talk about teachers being professionals= what about principals? I would like to know why nothing is done to stop these bullies= they're the ones who need to be terminated. Hello Mayor=Hello UFT= Hello Ms Farina= SO remember there will be a mayoral election VOTE to change the people in charge.

Anonymous said...

Another one Yazmin Perez first year principal at the Bilingual Bicultural Mini School in Manhattan. First year principal and is working on getting rid of the teachers we love and care about. We have seen those teachers work hard and dedicate their time to our kids. This principal is very unprofessional in very sense. What is going on with the DOE? Who is hiring these principals? I think the DOE needs to check this out!!!

Highly Effective King Clovis said...

Add Josephine Yeboah-Van-Ness and AP Brian Innes of Academy for Social Action. First year principal, excessed four teachers and then posted openings immediately. All people who showed up for interviews look like they are fresh out of college. Numerous Special Ed inconsistencies, classes that are Co Teaching but have one general ed teacher in the classroom, excessive paperwork, bullying and intimidation tactics. Discontuances issued to non tenured teachers. Nightmare.

Fed up! said...

Once again anothe school in District 32 under the LOUSY SUPERINTENDENT Lillian Druck is on the news! This Superintendent has all of her "personal" friends as Principals and "mentors of Principals" and this is why her district is a FAILED district! Fariña needs to monitor that district and get rid of the bad apple! Which is LILLIAN DRUCK!! or does the DOE like to be sued and on the news

Anonymous said...

The leadership has been a mess at that school for over 5 yrs.

Anonymous said...

The school has been a mess since Ford was principal with Innes by her side and is still traveling the same course. Innes is the worst...ask any student there!

Anonymous said...

Innes has been physically abusive to female and male students for the past 4 years and nothing has been done.

Duhhh said...

Morris Campus in the Bronx has a Principal that hires Deans, through a community organization, that later turn out to have criminal history. Background checks? Hmmmm

Duhhh said...

Morris Campus, Bronx Principal hires Deans through Community Organizaions that do no criminal back ground checks.

Anonymous said...

Add Leslie Chislett to this list. Former Quality reviewer and principal of FLAG High school which was conveniently closed by the DOE. Came in making racist comments to students and added to this gave all tenured teachers developing and ineffective and highly effective to first year teachers who had no class control. In order to qualify a rating is is known for lying on observation report. She broke down every working system that was in place and tore the school apart berating former administration at will. She fears the students and is unqualified, inept, unorganized and confused. Now is is being sent to destroy another school.

Anonymous said...

Add Patricia Ballbuena from CS 133 in Harlem to that list. There's always a new teacher and she doesn't care about the kids. The kids are out of control and the good teachers leave. New teachers leave within a week. My kid's special ed teacher left early last year and never got one to replace her. Everyday a new teacher.

Anonymous said...

I am parent of 2 children that attended Public School 109 in the Bronx. I took my children out of that zoo in 2016 of June as soon as this news was revealed to me. Principal Claudio and her entire leadership staff are unprofessional and are highly unfit for their positions. The Department of Education needs to stop protecting these con artists that simply just use their wonderful vocabulary and awesome heels/ outfits to cover up the amount of dirt happening in this school. Both of my children attended this school for 2 years, both of their reading levels dropped and one of my kids were attacked and constantly bullied outside in the playground or in the classrooms. ABSOLUTELY no disciplinary action took place for the wrong doings of these students! These three women are simply robbing the state for a check because it is almost as if they do nothing to make this school a better place to be for these kids!!!!! This school was recommended to me by a really close friend. Both of her children enjoyed this school so much all they would talk about was their school and their awesome friends and assemblies! I enrolled my kids that September but it was the same year they put Principal Claudio as principal. It was also communicated to me by a former staff member that when the state isn't watching these woman pay more attention to the appearance of the staff than the actual students. It was also said that there is absolutely no communication going on in the building- leaders are extremely unprofessional and they have developed an extremely unhealthy environment for both their staff and students. This statement is not to bash these three women or to make them lose their licenses but they need EXTREME SOCIAL SKILLS and extra training on how to do their job. THE CHILDREN IN MY COMMUNITY SHOULD NOT BE SOLD SHORT!!!! THEY DESERVE BETTER !!! BETTER LEADERS to make a healthy and amazing memorable learning Environment!!!! I regret sending my children here! Parents if you are reading!! Please take action !!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the principal at PS171M.Dimitres Pantelidis, he bully's teachers, paraprofessionals, and school aides. Many teachers have left because he threatens to give them a u rating if they don't leave. Many have retired because he has forced them to retire. He made many tenured teachers leave and gave them the worst students so he could bring new teachers. Of course he prefers new teachers because they don't know contract rules. He disrespects workers and harasses them. He bully's workers. They say it's a number 1 school but yet there are many cases of violence from some students.Special needs children with IEP's showing 12:1 are being accepted in the school. The principal doesn't care if these children are learning or not. All he cares about is the money he's getting from the city for accepting needy kids in his school.Then he pretends he cares for these children and their parents. These poor children get frustrated in a classroom with 28 children which is where they are being placed because there are no special education classes or services. When these kids get frustrated they get violent against other kids in the class, the teachers and the paras. When these children are not advancing in their levels educationally then he dares to question the teachers of why they are not advancing. He's the one at fault for admitting needy children into a setting they do not belong in. He has used discriminatory words in reference to some parents.In one occasion he referred to a parent as a black insignificant little lady. I don't know why the board is not using disciplinary action against principals with this behavior.Then the superintendent knows through some sources that he breaks contract rules in many ways and nothing is being done to stop this. This is disgraceful!

Anonymous said...

Please add Alexandra Estrella, superintendent of district 4 in Harlem to this list. While she is not a principal anymore, she has installed corrupt and abusive principals in many schools in East Harlem. Central Park East 1 has had an abusive principal, Monika Garg which parents have protested against for the past year. Estrella supports this principal despite an extremely low trust factor by teachers and parents. Second, is Esperanza Preparatory Academy, where Estrella was founding principal until 2013. After a cheating scandal under her leadership she mysteriously left in the Fall and her friend Wendy Mercedes came in who stayed for a while, then was replaced by another principal who stayed for a few months, then they had another principal, then now they have a new principal. Esperanza has had over 5 principals in a short period of time and extreme staff turnover every year. Thirdly is Global Tech where principal David Baiz, well liked and trusted by staff, was denied tenure and driven out by Estrella. She installed a temporary principal there that was one of her friends instead. There is a pattern here, Estrella is a corrupt leader and is wrecking district 4. Teachers, beware of working in this district. Especially veteran teachers.

Anonymous said...

I would like to nominate Steven Schwartz of the PS 24 in the Bronx. I met Mr. Schwartz when he was named interim acting principal last fall. My first impression of him was that he comes across as a smug, know-it-all who loves to toot his own horn, but considering the controversies that has surrounded my kids' school from its prior school administration (I have two attending PS24 currently and a 3rd now in Middle School), I wanted to give Mr. Schwartz a chance.

Schwartz was named the permanent principal this past month and, in this short span of 6 months, I have become EXTREMELY disappointed with what he has brought to the table. For starters, my kids where scheduled to go on 4 class trips this year (which I’m more than fine with), but then all of a sudden it was increased to 12 each, including 4 in one week and 8 over a month, with the parents asked to shell out money for all of them. I then came to find my kids' teachers were each sent by Schwartz to visit another school for a day, and now these teachers are being removed from their classes for 4 days of planning for next year. If you throw in an average of 6 teacher illness absences, field days and assemblies, that's an upwards of 15% of the school year where the students are not in the classroom with their regular teacher! With such a focus on testing these days, why so much time away from their teachers?

My kids have told me that Schwartz is often seen yelling at other kids at lunch time and they are quite terrified of him. I recently met with my son's teacher, and I was shocked to hear of how he treats much of his staff in a mean, degrading manner. He has openly told many teachers (both tenured and non-tenured) that they should go on the open market, and in some cases they should consider another profession. He lies in his observation reports of teachers and has ordered the assistant principals at the time to lower certain teachers’ ratings (there are currently no assistant principals in the building anymore, just a trainee who’s not licensed yet, but that’s another story). PS 24 has been mentioned in the media a lot in the past 3 years, between the "desk dumping principal" and the overcrowding issue, but the one best quality of this school has always been its teachers, plain and simple. (BTW I chose to post these comments anonymous solely as to protect the identity of my kids' teachers and their colleagues, who I love to death and do not deserve to be tormented by this man.)

I did a little research on Steven Schwartz, and it really was not easy. There’s very little record of him teaching in a classroom, so if he has actually taught, it hasn’t been for very long. He’s been an assistant principal for a couple of years but has mostly had a position of “Teaching Coach”. He’s a big Mets fan and loves to play online Poker. His mother, Esther Schwartz, was a well-respected principal on PS 32 in East Tremont (which also raises the question of nepotism in the hiring of her son and his moving up the ranks). Esther Schwartz’ claim to fame was treating her teachers with respect and introducing numerous enrichment programs that excited the students and made then want to come to school every day and work hard. Where is that at PS 24? All I keep hearing from Steven Schwartz is how he wants to “make PS 24 Great Again”. (Gee, where have we heard that before???) My kids are very unhappy at PS 24 compared to the previous years, and I am truly scared of what else lies ahead with this man in charge. I will give Steven Schwartz credit though. He has figured out how to solve the overcrowding issue, by driving great teachers away and making parents not want to send their kids this school.

@nycmayor @rubendiazjr @jeffreydinowitz @andrewcohenNYC @jeffkleinny @carmenfarinadoe #nycmayor #rubendiazjr #jeffreydinowitz #andrewcohenNYC #jeffkleinny

Anonymous said...

People are still wondering how the Superintendent from District 32, Lillian Druck has promoted her friend Jacqueline Rosado at IS 291 in Bushwick to become the Director of Schools Renewal after that very same school failed miserably under Rosado when she was the Principal!....Now Jacqueline Rosado has more time on her hands to sit, eat, gossip and continue to use her power to bully staff and promote her favorites as she has been doing for years. The Chancellor and the Superintendent are both a JOKE!!

Anonymous said...

I believe all of these comments about principals. I work for one who's mentioned here. How about we put Farina's "resume" on here, so she can take her rightful place among the greats? Let's all thank her for not doing a damn thing about it.

Anonymous said...

Having come from this school as a teacher, I second this nomination. I agree with all that has been written above including Maries treatment of the student body. I did not know this type of evil could exist, especially in our school system. I will regain hope if she is one day removed. I don't believe this school can properly serve the students as it stands.

Anonymous said...

Add jeffrey Santiago to the list

Anonymous said...

How about Principal Jose Cruz Jr.?
He destroyed the best school in the Campus building he inherited from the previous good Principal Andrea Holt.
- Low Regents scores
- U-ratings galore
- Grades changes
- No AP courses
- Very low teacher retention (lowest in the entire city)

He is still going strong...

Anonymous said...

How come nobody is mentioning the one and only Principal Jose Cruz Jr.?
He has destroyed the best school in the Campus building.
- low Regents scores
- No AP courses
- U-ratings galore
- Incompetence at its paroxysm
- Change of grades (encouraged by his aide AP Recio)

Anonymous said...

Thankfully Jacqueline Rosado was removed as Principal from I S 291 in Bushwick (District 32) and now the lousy Superintendent Lillian Druck is retiring after keeping her friend Jacqueline employed as the "Director of Schools Renewal" at the exact same school that fell apart under both of them!!! I hope the new Superintendent is smart enough to get rid of the snake Rosado.....stay tuned!

Anonymous said...

After meeting my son's principal the other night I decided to Google him and came across this website. He's mentioned a few posts above, Steve Schwartz, P.S. 24 in Riverdale. I too found him to be narcissistic and arrogant. I worry greatly that he is more concerned about building his own image instead of doing what's best for our children. Proof positive yesterday when my son came home from school and told me the entire school had an assembly and it was so crowded there were not enough seat and his class and other classes had to sit on the floor in the aisles while Steve Schwartz spoke!!!!! You can't tell me that's not a health or fire safety violation!!!!! And then I called the school office today and was rudely hung up on!!!! You want to be like that? Well now my next step is reporting Steve Schwartz and his Superintendent to the Fire Marshall and Health Department. If any fellow parents of P.S. 24 in Riverdale are reading this, I strongly encourage you to do the same!!!

Anonymous said...

I too was at the parent night at Bronx PS 24 and I noticed something VERY disturbing. Principal Schwartz said that he "hand picked" the new teachers. The entire faculty of about 60 classroom teachers were there in the auditorium and there were ONLY TWO BLACK TEACHERS! These two black teachers I recognized from last year, so of the 10 or so new teachers Steven Schwartz "hand picked", you mean to tell me he could not find even one qualified black teacher????? My daughter's teacher (who is a lovely white woman btw) tells me that they do have other faculty that are black, but they are all aids, paraprofessionals or assistants. What's the matter Mr. Schwartz, black teachers don't have the right look for our school?????

Anonymous said...

parent night had to be the first time I ever saw steve schwartz dressed in something other than sweatpants and a sweatshirt, very unprofessional; I agree he focuses on touting himself and brags while there is so much chaos ps 24; it's like our principal is a cross between george costanza and George Steinbrenner; there is also a big problem with bullying in our school that principal schwartz refuses to address.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like this Steve Schwartz is a piece of work! There's enough comments above in this thread to warrant a blog post just on him and his toxicity. I also found the following school reviews on other websites:

There is a very large problem with bullying, lack of supervision on the playgrounds, and if your child gets hurt, it is unlikely that you will hear about it from the school nurse. Mandatory reports of incidents that should be sent home to parents are not completed. Kids are running wild and the bullying is often ignored and passed off as "horseplay". Although there are some pretty excellent teachers, the new principal has created a very stressful environment that has resulted in them focusing more on his protocols than on student learning. I agree with another parent that he is definitely on a power trip! He will not meet with parents unless you have first met with someone else to discuss your concerns, and will only respond to you if he feels your concerns are worthy of his time. You can ask to speak to him a million times and he will only schedule you to see him/speak to him if he chooses to. I once waited 2 hours to see him after an incident with my child, and even though I called the school and told him I was coming, he refused to see me. I love my neighborhood, but I am highly disappointed in the reality of P.S.24. - Submitted by a parent • June 02, 2017

This school HAD a reputation for being a top school, That was a long time ago. Within the last 4 years its had a psychopath as a principal, upon her removal, was replace by a well intentioned assistant principal who was over whelmed and now a prospective principal on a power trip who has mo respect for parents or students…… The school is a haven for bullies it never gets addressed, each year the violent acts get bolder and bolder and nothing changes…… The bully culture at this school is rampant and goes mostly unaddressed. My child has attended for 4 years and has been bullied constantly, it matters not how many meetings you have with the administration. In my childs own words......"No one cares. Nothing gets done". - Submitted by a parent • March 15, 2017

There is no leadership at the school, the principal has no idea what he is doing and there is a huge communicational error between the parents and the staff. The teachers are overwhelmed with the class sizes and often children are left to fall in the cracks. I moved to the area for the school after hearing great things about it, but since enrolling in 2015 it has just been a downhill slope which seems to be never-ending. If you owe anything to your children it is to NOT send them to this schoolS….. Bullying will usually be chalked up as "horse-play"….. They offer no additional resources to children who need them….. - Submitted by a parent • March 10, 2017

The school is not living up to its reputation. The classrooms at PS 24 are severely overcrowded and I do not see them working in a solution anytime soon. The teachers are very caring and are trying to do the best they can under the terrible circumstances in which they are working in. The interim principal however, doesn't seem to care about parents concerns or questions. I had an issue with my daughter and he did not respond to any of my email messages nor did he follow up with me. My daughters class has 31 students with a new teacher. The teacher has no teachers aid in the classroom although I am told that new teachers always have a mentor. I also have children in my child's class that need special attention which they are not receiving which in turn disrupts all of the other children almost every day. If you have a young child and have the means to provide them with a paid for education I would strongly advise you to do so. I would not recommend PS 24 at all. - Submitted by a parent • November 2, 2016


Anonymous said...

Also, a beleaguered school is westchester square academy in lehman HS Brons with the exceedingly ineffectual and conniving principal yira salcedo. Bullying is rampant in that poor school, truancy unmatched, and she hands out U's and D's as if they were gifts for Xmas. She loves to target hapless teachers and write up false allegations on them and forcing them out. The students know this about her, all her machinations, and despite their schoolwide protest last year, she still forced out an entire staff, only to hire a whole new staff (mostly white, strangely) and began systematically bullying, ignoring, or reporting on them. So definitely add her to the list. She was a terrible teacher at the failed Gompers and how she became a "principal" is beyond everyone's grasp. The students are either raging, completely depressed or altogether hopeless there. No one can do anything. Not the parents, the students nor teachers. It is rumored she pays off the uft members who visit the school when there are problems which I don't doubt. She is a "small, little" person who herself must have been kicked around and bullied (and rejected) as a young person or child by teachers bc she LOVES to terrorize all her teachers THAT SHE HIRED! what a joke she is. She'll get hers one day, to be sure. It's just a matter of time before something even more dreadful happens at the school besides someone getting scalded during school OR a 25-student brawl. Wow, staggering. And the DoE behemoth just keeps on turninng a BIG blind eye.

Unknown said...

Add Simi Minhas of Q499 to the list. As a parent, it's important to have privacy when I want to speak with the parent coordinator. Ms. Minhas took her out of the office and placed her into the general office at a desk. Ms. Minhas is best friends with the district Superintendent. Many wonderful teachers leave or retire. She is a control freak, disrespectful to her staff, including the Assistant Principal. The school has declined since she took leadership. Word on the street is previously, she was a paraprofeasional, I'm not sure if that is possible. She alienates parents and teachers alike. Next year my kid will be elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

One day there will be a #MeToo# movement to address all the mental abuse teachers have received from various principals. I hope those teachers who have suffered will one day sue the DOE for condoning such behavior and practices. A classsuit action Is what the DOE needs to wake up to the fact it is implicated to this sort of criminal activity. My principal and assistant principal use mental abuse and encourage staff Member a to participare in that kind of activity. Once you are nomínated as a target everyone else jumps on the bang-wagon. The Union Leader is worthless because the Principal hand picked her so she can promote her agenda and turn a blind eye to her passive aggressive abuses. The Principal made it clear if her choosen people wanted an easy pass in their work, they needed to vote for her. These teachers were sent out to intimidate the other candidate. The Assistant Principal engages teachers when she verbally abuses someone in a covert but yet abvious way. My name is never mentioned but it is obvious I am the subject of ridicule and staff members are encouraged to join in.

Anonymous said...

There need to be a portable where teachers can log Administation’s offenses. If they know someone is reading these offenses and someone will come to overseas what is going on, it would not happen.

Anonymous said...

Parents need to be educated about the impact Administrative mental abuses can incapacitate a teacher’s ability to response to their children emotional needs. A teacher who is being bullied and abused by Administration can suffer depression and all sort of other mental distress. This means they are as quick at recognizing the emotional needs of the students. The DOE does not care about the well-being of students. They say so, but their actions indicate otherwise. The bottom line is that the DOE condones mental abuse and workplace bullying of teachers.

Anonymous said...

Can you believe that Jacqueline Rosado was named Superintendent of District 12 in the Bronx? How can you place such a lazy unknowledgeable and uncaring person in such a needy District? Jacqueline FAILED as Principal at IS 291 in Bushwick, Brooklyn because she could not bring the school up to an A status. She was too busy eating pizza all day and listening to the gossip her favorite staff brought to her. She has already placed her relative Ms. Sulit in the Bronx as a Principal because that is what Jacqueline does!She uses her clout to get her these positions that she cannot handle! I hope that Mr. Carranza has his eyes wide open with her because she is a SNAKE!

Anonymous said...

Add Marc Federman, Principal of East Side High, who protected a paraprofessional from allegations of sexual misconduct at the expense of the mental health of a student and the careers of the staff who supported her.

Anonymous said...

Add principal Rebecca Schropfer to the list. As a assistant principal at P12x Lewis and Clark she had multiple sexual affairs with her male staff during school hours in her office. Ignoring her duties as AP. She made slur comments that she only have affairs with these staff to make their black girlfriends jealous. Now as principal of a Brooklyn D75 school she continues these disgusting acts. She uses her power and privilege to give these staff after school and busing jobs in exchange for the sexual-inappropriate acts that takes place in her office. In both schools the entire staff knows about this, but no one is willing to speak up.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow no wonder I have been e-mailing her about the tyrant of a principal of C.S.211 of the bronx Tanya Drummond and nothing is being done come to find out she is just like her.

Anonymous said...

You can add Salema Marbury PS 329 Coney Island to the list.

Anonymous said...

Add Robert L. Burnside of School of the Future Brooklyn to this list. He belittled and harassed the teachers. The school culture is toxic and the staff is suffering.

Anonymous said...

Add Joan Mosely @Erasmus Campus to the list. She comes off as nice but is abusive. She behaves as if the school is a plantation and the staff are her field hands. She encourages her school aides to be boisterous and threatening toward students. The school aides have more power than the teachers and AP's. Stay far away from this school-Academy for College Preparation and Career Exploration @ ERASMUS CAMPUS. She sits and eats all day in her office and rarely comes out-only to use the restroom. She likes to bully ATR teachers. She is known to have a yellow book that she writes names of staff that she does not like-she calls it her hitlist. Her staff is afraid of her

Anonymous said...

Add Natasha Jack of School for Human Rights. This is the dumbest principal that I have ever encountered. When the former AP's and Principal were there the school was pretty decent. Now the school is an absolute mess fighting, drinking and marijuana smoking is the order of the day. She harasses staff and is afraid of the students and parents. She passes the buck of her failures to paras and her not so bright AP. There is low enrollment and a small number of students which they have no authority over, students walk in and out of classes all day long no questions ask. This school is on the closing list for sure.

Anonymous said...

These principals will continue to stay in their schools and ruin lives because the superintendents look the other way.

Anonymous said...

Add: Meaghan Gribbins at PS 152 in the Bronx to this list. She is horrible to staff, students, and parents. She has no business working in a school community. She is condescending, unfair, unprofessional, and cruel. The worst part is she's on the "principal's bench" meaning that because she is a kiss ass to the powers that be, she thinks she's untouchable. She'll stop at nothing to assert her power and intimidate.

Anonymous said...

I am surprised more people haven't complained about Watfa Shama principal of 47ASL HS. One person stated in 2016 that she demoralized every teacher that ever worked for her and that has not changed one bit. She doesn't just demoralize but she is outright cruel to teachers, with the exception of a select few favorites. Those favs catch on very quickly who is in or out of favor and many of them take on a mean attitude toward her targets. It is a very depressing environment. Every year there are large amounts of teachers who leave. In the end the students suffer because teachers really need to draw on some kind of recognition as fuel and also by the time students get to graduation most of their teachers are gone. Someone as mean and cruel as Watfa Shama shouldn't be in charge of other people.

Anonymous said...

I am working in a catholic school. I have an interview in the DOE and fear they will DOE after all these comments. Is it worth working for the DOE? Because it sounds like HELL!

Anonymous said...

Add Ronald Zirin, a former Principal at IS 130 Q harassed me for months, put me through a 3020 a hearing with false charges, lied himself and got students to lie. Arbitrator eventually fined me and they would not do a case of harassment against him. I wrote the superintendent Composto who is also a crook to not do anything about a scum Principal he hired.

Then there is Jazmin Polanco-Rivera at Bronx Haven who is another harassing Principal.

Add Dr. Bility to this list as well from Urban Assembly of Emergency Management. Claims to be a straight shooter but will not say why he rescinded a hiring offer after making one.

Unfortunately good, competent leadership is severely lacking in most NYC public schools and a lot of Principals are just scum.

Anonymous said...

And now she is too busy advocating for more bullies. She is friends with Nichelle Rice who is a former CO and bullies everyone in the school known as CS 300 school of science and applied learning. Rice the interim principal retaliates when a teacher does not give her acknowledgment. Rice is a lesbian and dates her own employees at the school. She makes every teacher go against one another and teachers who are friends turn on each other just because of the fear of repercussions. Makes sense why Jack Rosado and her are good friends. They’re both lesbians and date their employees at there school. Not to mention both are married to men. They say rosado is the devil but Rice is next to her. Students don’t like her and tell there parents and teachers. Everyone is scared to open their mouth. Rice gets other teachers to scare other teachers by saying “she knows cops and law enforcement and has family that are of power” bla bla bla. Rice is a fraud and misuses her power and steals from the school. One of the parents went to approach her and Rice immediately attacked her physically. Rice was never a teacher…she knows nothing but to order people around and if you don’t do it - she’ll have her followers make your life hell. She’s also racist and loves her Jamaican queens. She’s not a smart woman at all, she does not know how to communicate. She needs to be gone but of course Rosado is saving her demonic voodoo self.

Anonymous said...

I second this! She's a horrible person and administrator. Basically only there to pad resume. She talks down to teachers and parents. She thinks she knows it all but she barely has teaching experience. The worst is she walks around like she's the smartest person in the world.

Anonymous said...

Add Dionne Williams, Principal at I.S. 217x to the list. She is clueless and she must go! Students are not learning a thing at her school and as long as Dionne Williams is Principal, this will continue to be a failing school.

Anonymous said...

I third this. She is the reason so many good staff r quitting and leave the school. My kids tells me she doesn't even be sayin hi to them. Just walks in room being nasty and interrupting learning to ask them questions like she is the police.

Anonymous said...

Let’s not forget that she also was advocating for Donald Trump to her staff during the riots when the kids got word she voted for Trump she lost complete control over staff and students. Then even continued this nonsense at a higher echelon in the education department, and used the N word in front of staff, vehemently opposed advice to research books on studies done for multiculturalism, and pointed the finger at everyone else while refusing to look at herself in the mirror! This is exactly why she spends tens of thousands of her husband’s money on plastic surgery after being permanently fired.
Now she’s trying to sue minority school districts, while saying she’s not a racist as they are due to receive budget cuts after the pandemic hit. She’s so not racist! Ok!!!

Anonymous said...

DOE supervisors are not out to get you. You have some serious emotional issues and should not be around children. Possibly PTSD from military experiences. You are not a bad person, get some help!

Steve Rogers said...

Lisa Grevenberg, current principal at the Academy for Health Careers in Brooklyn has a history of rampant teacher harassment, ineffective leadership and having little knowledge of what our students' needs truly are. The teachers at New Explorers High School in the Bronx, which was closed on June 30, 2018, who had been working for two years under Principal Lisa Grevenberg were treated to rampant unprofessionalism and sheer craziness that, at times, was beyond belief. From her allowing a group of students, all members of the same gang outside of school, to openly gamble for money, smoke marijuana in the building and openly harass other students and staff, her one, most well known method of intervention to deal with these issues was to buy, and serve this group of boys fried chicken in her office. Meanwhile if a student needed a program change or any other type of academic assistance, a job Grevenberg took upon herself, they were perpetually told she "was in a meeting". Upon being notified of superintendent's plans to shutter NEHS in December 2017, Grevenberg, the failing principal, began a campaign of destroying teacher careers with punitive assessment ratings. The UFT district head was useless, though the UFT rep was wonderful and untiring in her efforts to support her fellow teachers. In May 2018 when Grevenberg saw that our assistant principal, a former math teacher, and sorority sister of hers who she'd brought in with her, who had a serious heart condition, was rating teachers objectively, she openly harassed her to the point she needed to be picked up by her husband, taken home and went on medical leave for the remainder of the school year. At that point Grevenberg trashed her former colleague's observation reports, reevaluating those teachers again with as many "ineffectives" as she possibly could. With principals like Lisa Greenberg running our schools it's no wonder our students are failing and the DOE can't keep teachers!

Anonymous said...

I agree with this addition.

Anonymous said...

So sad to hear because educators reached of to Rosado about Dionne Williams of I.S 217 in the Bronx and her abusive tactics. It is now clear why nothing was escalated.

Anonymous said...

This is why when she was promoted the principals under her, like Dionne Williams from I.S 217 conduct themselves identically. " God fearing" women who thrive on ruining people's careers and creating hostile work environments.

Anonymous said...

In fact she was promoted and the principals under her, like Dionne Williams from I.S 217 conduct themselves in the exact same way.

Anonymous said...

Wendy mercedes is so nice and understanding. Esperanza is a school that turned people into monsters under the former superintendent Estrella.

Anonymous said...

Add: Lollinez Perez.. new principal of Ps273Q. She is hiding behind a squeaky voice but is vindictive, nasty and condescending towards her teachers. She cares only.for one type of population that her school serves. Everyone is too afraid to speak up because they acted out against the assistant principal that was up for principalship. More examples of DOE protecting abusive members. But why?

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what and who you’re talking about and can confirm it all. DOE can protect these evil people that we keep in our schools to educate our children but us, as parents should absolutely be extra cautious.