The de Blasio administration and NYC Department of
Education recently announced they would expand the community school system to
200 schools by 2017, by supplying them with a “suite of social services.”
Eighty-three of these “community schools” would be sited at the struggling
Renewal schools, as already announced (though there are 94 Renewal schools, all of which were supposed to get wraparound services.)
In addition, forty five “community schools” will be schools
with low attendance rates; forty are already existing “community schools”
(where?) and another sixteen are supposed to be new schools that are not
Yet there are many problems with this plan. In many of
the Renewal schools, the DOE is going ahead with co-locations, inserting new
schools into their buildings rather than leaving them with the space needed for
a counselor’s office, medical office, or other social services. When Norm
Fruchter, mayoral appointee to the Panel for Educational Policy asked about how
co-locations threaten the space needed for community schools during a
co-location vote at the February PEP meeting, Chancellor Farina responded that
“community schools are a state of mind.”
Of the ten schools targeted for co-locations and voted on
during the April PEP meeting, five were Renewal schools. And the problems
don’t just lie in space for social services. Many parents and teachers at the
PEP hearing talked about how class sizes were already too large, and that these
co-locations would prevent them from being able to reduce class size, and that
they feared class sizes would increase. And yet all the co-locations were
The Success charter Academy Bronx 3 proposal was the most contentious, to be co-located in JHS 45
in the Bronx; where three Renewal schools are already located. At
JHS 145, there are many classes as large as 29, according to DOE data. At
Millennium Business Academy in the same building, many classes at 28 and 29
students, and Urban Science Academy many at 25-26 – both far above what would
be optimal and the Contract for Excellence goals for 23 per class in the middle
grades that the city promised to achieve in 2007.
During the April PEP meeting, two other co-locations were
voted on for Renewal schools: P.S. 50 Vito Marcantonio with class sizes
of 31 in 2nd grade, and a seventh grade inclusion class with
special needs students at 33. At August Martin high school, many classes
run as high as 34 or 35.
And yet all of the co-locations were
approved. The vote on the Success Academy Bronx 3 co-location
co-location to be inserted into the JHS 145 building was the closest, with 7-5 in favor.
Voting yes were mayoral appointees, Isaac Carmignani, Roberto Soto-Carrión, D. Miguelina Zorilla-Aristy, , Vanessa Leung, Lori Podvesker, Kamillah Payne-Hanks - Staten Island Representative, and Ben Shuldiner (the new mayoral appointee who just a few weeks ago put his name forward for the NYS Board of Regents seat in the Lower Hudson region—where he claimed to be a resident.)
Voting yes were mayoral appointees, Isaac Carmignani, Roberto Soto-Carrión, D. Miguelina Zorilla-Aristy, , Vanessa Leung, Lori Podvesker, Kamillah Payne-Hanks - Staten Island Representative, and Ben Shuldiner (the new mayoral appointee who just a few weeks ago put his name forward for the NYS Board of Regents seat in the Lower Hudson region—where he claimed to be a resident.)
Voting no – and to be applauded -- were mayoral appointees T. Elzora Cleveland, Norm Fruchter, and borough President reps Deborah Dillingham - Queens Representative , Robert Powell - Bronx Representative and Laura Zingmond - Manhattan Representative. (Fred Baptiste - Brooklyn Representative was
These class sizes are simply unacceptable for struggling
schools facing possible closure. No matter what wrap-around services
these schools receive – their academic results will likely falter with class
sizes this large.
Every year the DOE gets more than
$500 million as part of the Contracts for Excellence funds from the state; in
return they are supposed to be reducing class size. Instead, class sizes
have risen steadily since the program was introduced in 2007.
In their response to public comments
to the C4E plan this year, the DOE wrote in December 2014 that “To better align with
the Chancellor’s priorities, C4E’s class size reduction plan will now focus on
the 94 schools in the School Renewal Program. More information about the
schools may be found here: School Renewal Program.”
Yet on that page, and in the press release in which
the city announced that $32 million more funds would be allocated to the
Renewal schools, there is no mention of reducing class.
Instead, lengthening the school day, professional
development and more counselors are cited, none of which are likely to have the
same impact on academic achievement or student engagement in the learning
process. Instead the statement proclaims:
“Schools will be able to use the new
funding to hire guidance counselors, bring on teachers for special academic
intervention programs serving students who have fallen behind, extend the
school day, or add advanced placement classes. To qualify for funding, schools
must submit detailed plans for approval that demonstrate precisely how the new
funds will be spent …”
None of these measures are likely to have the same positive
impact on academic achievement or student engagement in the learning
process. Yesterday, the DOE apparently raised the amount for the 130
struggling schools, presumably including the Renewal schools, to $50 million in 2016 and $76 million in 2017.
The Chancellor said again, the funds would go towards extended school
days, guidance counselors and more teacher training,, but still has made no
commitment to reduce class size.
Our analysis shows that over 60% of renewal schools have at
least some class sizes of 30 or more. To punish students, teachers and
schools for their huge class sizes without doing anything about this is simply
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